Dad stunned as anti-bullying Facebook plea reaches 900K
A Wisconsin father who took to Facebook to support his son in the face of bullying has received overwhelming support from around the world.
Matthew Bent said Wisconsin police brushed him off when he reported that his son, Shiloh, had been body-slammed by a bully at River View Middle School in Plymouth, Wis. He posted a picture of himself on Facebook on March 26, standing behind Shiloh and holding a handwritten placard that reads I stand behind my son in the fight against bullying. Please like and share to send a message loud and clear that bullying needs to stop now. Tell school districts that protecting bullies by turning a blind eye is wrong. Shame on Kaukauna area schools for protecting a bully in their school.
The post quickly went viral, with more than 900,000 likes and shares. [...]
by Scott Stump
For original article go here
It is time to take bullying seriously. It has gotten out of hand in too many cases and in some cases the results have even been tragic. It is time to hold bullies and schools accountable and reach out to the kids being bullied. Know if your kid(s) is/are being bullied or are bullying others. It starts with the parents and guardians if they demand change the schools will listen. I am not a parent but I know what it is like being bullied in school and feeling like you have nowhere to turn. Bullying is not just boys being boys and typical school yard behavior in many cases it devolves into nothing less then emotional and psychological abuse. Sometimes physical abuse and sexual harassment. Bullying is not acceptable behavior and requires disciplinary action from schools and in gross violations even legal action.
Stop turning a blind eye to this problem America and wake up and do something to help create positive change. Every year some kids are bullied to such an extent they develop major mental health issues and some even take their own lives.
See my recent video on suicide here for insight into suicide, how people feel who contemplate suicide, who's at risk, memorial of young people including a friend of mine who took their life to suicide, and encouragement for those contemplating suicide to reconsider.
I have seen and heard too many cases of bullying and young people developing mental health issues and taking their lives to stay silent on these issues any longer. Speak out against bullying, speak up for the bullied, and demand bullies and schools are held accountable. Reach out to those with mental health issues and those contemplating suicide. Don't just think they are just being dramatic if they say they want to die or kill themselves they may be deadly serious. It takes only a matter of minutes to help save a life, sometimes nothing more then a few kind words. Don't be afraid to speak up for those suffering. Do something today to be the change you want to see.
It's time to do something about bullying. It is time to reach out to those suffering and hold bullies accountable. It is time to take mental health issues and suicide seriously.
That is the best help you can offer of all; knowing they have somewhere to turn that they can fell safe talking to someone about their problems. When kids feel like they have nowhere to turn is when they begin to develop a lot of problems. Some become so depressed when they see no way out they do desperate and tragic things.