By: Perrie Halpern R.A. • Personal • 2 comments • 8 years ago
A picture postcard A folded stub A program of the play File away your photographs Of your holiday
And your mementos Will turn to dust But that's the price you pay For every year's a souvenir That slowly fades away Every year's a souvenir That slowly fades away
Words and lyrics, B. Joel
Souvenir. From the French word...
Should Franken Be Forced To Resign?
By: Eat The Press Do Not Read It • Politic • 25 comments • 8 years ago
Should Franken be forced to resign?Judge Roy Moore, the famous Gun Waving, Cowboy is running for Senate as a Republican in the highly contested election in Alabama has weighed in on the so called "Franken Sexual Harassment Incident". Judge Moore said that if he is elected, he will personally" force Franken to resign" at the point of his pistol."We can't have the Senate despoiled by Democrats!...
By: Uncle Bruce • default • 14 comments • 8 years ago
Sometimes, it gets to me. Usually when I’m alone, walking around the pond on the ranch. I reflect on what I’ve worked hard at building for us. And I begin to realize that there may not be an us.
I made sure that she was taken care of if I passed on. Plenty of insurance to pay off everything 3 times over. Monthly survivor benefits that would keep her comfortable.
But what happens if I...
Fighting Breast Cancer: A Husband’s Perspective
By: Uncle Bruce • default • 11 comments • 8 years ago
"I have cancer!"
The words jolted me awake. I tried to focus on my wife, standing over me in our bedroom. My blurry eyes I reminded me that I had taken my contacts out.
I had seen her up and about when I got home from working the night shift. She reminded me that she had a mammogram scheduled to look at a lump she had found in her left breast. This was just one of several appointments my...
Dishonest Hillary Invented ObamaCare
By: j70141 • default • 7 comments • 8 years ago
Also during her early years as First Lady, Mrs. Clinton was put in charge of the 500-member Health Care Task Force which tried, in secret meetings and by stealth, to socialize medical care in the United States, a sector that represented approximately one-seventh of the U.S. economy. This modus operandi was in violation of so-called " sunshine laws ," which forbid such secret meetings from...
Linda Sarsour's call for a Jihad in a religious context as opposed to a linguistic context.
By: kpr37 • islam • 2 comments • 8 years ago
Linguistically, the Arabic word "jihad" means a striving or a struggle, no one really disputes that fact. Do they?
But Ms. Sarsour was at the ISNA convention, and clearly seemed to be speaking as a believing pious Muslim in her speech , and not, per se, as a linguist. So that alone, in and of itself, is more than reason enough to examine the theocratic component of "jihad". Leading...
The Beast with 7 Heads with 10Horn and 10 Crowns
By: John Wythe • Religion • 20 comments • 8 years ago
Some more things that add up to 666.
And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.
The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder,...
The oh so "sophisticated" delusions of the modern mind: an Irish pagan's perspective from the classic era.
By: kpr37 • paganism-islam • 3 comments • 8 years ago
I dedicate this to Janus, the two faced god of beginnings.
After well more than a decade, the war still rages on with no end visible on the horizon. Three American presidents have now sat in that seat of power, and nothing changed nor does it look likely to be improving anytime soon.
The first man in office to address the subject of Islam in the public sphere after a national atrocity was...
Women in Islam and women not as of yet submitted in Europe
By: kpr37 • islam • 5 comments • 8 years ago
From the August 23 copy of the spectator, couple paragraphs in.
But this year Islamists are specifically targeting women. When Salman Abedi detonated his suicide bomb at the Ariana Grande concert in May, killing seventeen females (and five males), he did so knowing it would be full of teenage girls and young women. In July, two German women were fatally stabbed by an Egyptian man at the...
ISIS Enshrines a Theology of Rape- NY times - And what the Times left out
By: kpr37 • islam • 2 comments • 8 years ago
QADIYA, Iraq — In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.
He bound her hands and gagged her. Then he knelt beside the bed and...
Worshiping at the altar of the god of political correctness: a pagan's perspective
By: kpr37 • political correctness • 6 comments • 8 years ago
Reporting on the "leftist-septicemia-meme"
Now some may not like my title, that's just too bad. Really it is. Political correctness falls under the definition of a religion . (def # 2)
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons
People worship it's politically correct concepts and ideas as an infallible system of belief. In much...
From a cultural tradition devoted to deicide: An open lament for modernity
By: kpr37 • paganism • 7 comments • 8 years ago
Early 17th century: from ecclesiastical Latin deicida ‘killer of a god’, or directly from Latin deus ‘god’ + -cide
The definition says to kill a god. This would have been one of the thousands of various gods, goddess, and demigods.
I come from a long illustrious and distinguished philosophical tradition. One embedded...