

GOP Delenda Est

GOP Delenda Est

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  1 Comments  •  4 years ago

The GOP, today, is fascist .  It is that simple. If the Republican party ever again wins power, America will become a one-party, patriarchal, plutocratic dictatorship. It is that...
Republicans Aren't Done Messing With Elections

Republicans Aren't Done Messing With Elections

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  3 Comments  •  4 years ago

The Republican Fascist Party now openly sabotages free and honest elections. If the Republican Fascist Party should ever win power again, it will never surrender it. The Republican...
Beer Hall Putsch

Beer Hall Putsch

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  12 Comments  •  4 years ago

The Beer Hall putschists probably never had a chance. But they were in military gear, and ready to rumble if things went the way they wanted. On January Sixth, America's fascists...
Heeding the Lessons of Weimar

Heeding the Lessons of Weimar

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  1 Comments  •  4 years ago

America today is Weimar Germany, in the 1930s. Weimar had Hitler's failed and semi-ludicrous "beer-hall putsch". We had the failed coup attempt on January Sixth. Germans did not take...
"Conservatism" is no Longer Enough - The American Mind

"Conservatism" is no Longer Enough - The American Mind

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  8 Comments  •  4 years ago

Conservative Fanboys

Conservative Fanboys

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  1 Comments  •  4 years ago

Know your fascist-fellow-traveler neighbors! They're the ones who give you a wink*wink while repeating that "dog-whistles don't exist".
Trump and the Republican revolt against democracy, explained in 13 charts

Trump and the Republican revolt against democracy, explained in 13 charts

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  7 Comments  •  4 years ago

America's last President was a fascist: - undoubtedly authoritarian, and - undoubtedly xenophobe (racist). Tens of millions of Americans - including quite a few here on Newstalkers - fervently...
The Paradox of Pandemic Partisanship

The Paradox of Pandemic Partisanship

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  1 Comments  •  4 years ago

It's not too hard to see why Democrats and independents like the plan. What I'm trying to understand is something that seems like a political paradox. Namely, how is it possible that so many...
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