

Chinese £3,200 budget electric car takes on Tesla

Chinese £3,200 budget electric car takes on Tesla

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  2 Comments  •  4 years ago

IMNAAHO, this thing would sell like hotcakes in the US, as a runabout second car, even if the necessary safety mods added several thousand to the price. As for a hypothetical Latvian partner......
Audit of Maricopa voting equipment comes up clean

Audit of Maricopa voting equipment comes up clean

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  9 Comments  •  4 years ago

It's Time to Embrace the Singular 'They'

It's Time to Embrace the Singular 'They'

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  73 Comments  •  4 years ago

I don't like to be called a "grammar Nazi".  Grudgingly, I'll accept "grammar ayatollah". Truth be told, I've been using the singular "they" for a while, already, to avoid the gender...
Don't Go Down the Rabbit Hole

Don't Go Down the Rabbit Hole

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  1 Comments  •  4 years ago

How to "think" (to analyze, theorize, test, ...) is perhaps the most important topic on the table these days, precisely because we see so many millions of Americans who simply do not think....
Why Texas Republicans Fear the Green New Deal

Why Texas Republicans Fear the Green New Deal

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  3 Comments  •  4 years ago

The Republican Party has long been a puppet for the ultra-rich, bleeding the federal treasury for their own benefit. Now a not -historic storm has shown us that Texas Republicans are...
Why a Tiny Island Created the Biggest Marine Sanctuary in the South Atlantic

Why a Tiny Island Created the Biggest Marine Sanctuary in the South Atlantic

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  2 Comments  •  4 years ago

Atlas Obscura is a webzine about out-of -the-way places to visit... or not...
Et Tu, Ted? Why Deregulation Failed

Et Tu, Ted? Why Deregulation Failed

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  6 Comments  •  4 years ago

Deregulation has Consequences
A Bristling Standoff Rattles Gun-Friendly Vermont

A Bristling Standoff Rattles Gun-Friendly Vermont

Via: Bob Nelson  •  The Beacon  •  1 Comments  •  4 years ago

Friendly neighborhood...
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