'Thousands of Miles' on guzheng
By: No Author Indicated
BUZZ NOTE: This is a music and beautiful scenery video. Turn on your speakers or plug in your headset, watch and listen. To start the video, click on the SEEDED CONTENT link just below this message, then click on the arrow in the middle of the image.
'Thousands of Miles' on guzheng
One hundred guzheng players from 10 Chinese cities perform Wan Jiang (Thousands of Miles). Part of the Crazy Folk series, the video was released in November and became an instant online hit. It has been viewed, to date, more than 18 million times.
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Political comments are off topic and will be deleted.
Now that you've been reading about all the horrible things about China, give yourself a break, watch and listen to this video and discover why I love China as much as I do. As I've said more than once, every country has its warts, but every country also has its beauty.
I think you are confusing American dislike of the CCCP with the Chinese people.
You can be against the CCCP and still pro Chinese.
I will admit China is one of the countries I would love to visit; but it is getting less and less likely I will ever travel further than Latrobe or Pittsburgh to watch the Steelers. Much the less outside the country.
So thank you for posting the video (and all of the pictures you have taken in China in other articles). It really helps those of us that can't travel get a sense some of the beauty and culture of the country.
Thank you Ronin2. I want you to know that I really appreciate your comment. I waited until the age of 69 to go on the adventure of my life.
I'm really sorry that so few NT members have any desire to watch and listen to something beautiful. I pity those who allow bigotry govern their tastes and/or single-mindedness cloud their capacity to learn something new, at least something other than politics. But then, as I've said to others, "chacun a son gout."
Very beautiful to both the eye and the ear.
(Deleted at the request of the commenter)
(Buzz of the Orient, Group Administrator)
"Political comments are off topic and will be deleted."
Just in case anyone was wondering what happened here.