The long journey of Yeonmi Park
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The long journey of Yeonmi Park began in North Korea. It is there that she was born in 1993 and grew up while forced to endure an existence of worrying about having food to eat on a daily basis. She was trained at an early age by her mother of being very careful of what she said because if one says the slightest wrong thing in North Korea it comes not only at the cost of one's own life but that of family members.
One day Yeonmi and her mother escaped over the then frozen Yalu River into China. There they were both raped and sold as sex slaves. After 2 years of this brutal existence she met a Missionary from South Korea and she escaped again into south Korea via the Gobi Desert and eventually was able to be put on a flight from Mongolia to South Korea. She studied criminal justice in South Korea and later immigrated to the US, settling in the NYC area. There she heard about this "wonderful" university called Columbia University. As a student there she was shocked to find teachers and students alike were anti-western, anti-Capitalism and anti-white male. Back in North Korea students had the hidden gun to their heads to be anti-American and here at Columbia University everyone hated their own country without any encouragement at all. Most notable she recalled being rejected & dismissed by a teacher for simply stating the scientific fact that there is a difference between a man and a woman.
Yeonmi recognized the familiar stench. All the talk of equity & collectivism is well known throughout most of the world. It is called Marxism and American higher education is dedicated to it while putting out propaganda and silencing any and all oposition. Yeonmi's book is must reading for our descendants. They may not have the Constitution. They have to know what they are facing in the terrible world they are about to inherit.
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What Time Remains
Are we talking about North Korea or 1850's Alabama?
People such as this woman do have harrowing tales to tell but she has an incomplete perspective. Her own personal history undoubtedly prevents her from being either objective or completely honest about "marxism" or communism.
There is no threat whatsoever of America becoming either a communist or marxist country. Those who say there is are fringy fear mongerers and cranks ala the John Birch Society.
They are teaching Marxism in American universities John.
Race has replaced class because in America one's class level can change. One's race never changes and that's why it is being used.
She has lived through it; and she see similarities between it and the indoctrination centers that Democrats call public education.
There is a reason Brandon is only sending illegal immigrants from communist/socialist countries home. They have seen the shit show communism/socialism have turned their countries into; and see the exact same characteristics in Democrats that they do their former leaders. They will never vote or support Democrats here.
So disparage her for not toing the Democrat line like a good immigrant should.
Utter nonsense.
But he's right John. We can all see it happening on a daily basis with the corrupt Biden administration.
What are your objective, completely honest thoughts on the North Korea and Chinese governments?
The silence is deafening!
"Her own personal history undoubtedly prevents her from being either objective or completely honest about "marxism" or communism."
How would you know what she thinks? She has seen first hand the horrors and the failures of Marxism/communism. It appears that the ultimate goal of the progressives is to make the USA a Marxist nation with all the power vested in the government
Ms. Park is a young woman with cautionary tale to tell. Having experienced "both sides", she knows first-hand how fragile freedom really is.
Oddly enough some of our leftist members think there is something to compare between "slavery" and the Cultural Revolution.
There is no comparison:
While most scholars are reluctant to estimate a total number of "unnatural deaths" in China under Mao, evidence shows he was in some way responsible for at least 40 million deaths and perhaps 80 million or more. This includes deaths he was directly responsible for and deaths resulting from disastrous policies he refused to change.
There are worse things than "slavery."
The lesson for the day!
Genocide comes to mind.