Ancient gingko tree grows more beautiful with age
By: By Zou Shuo and Zhu Youfang

Ancient gingko tree grows more beautiful with age
Visitors take in the beauty of a 500-year-old ginkgo tree in Chenzhou, Hunan province. [Photo by Chen Weiping/For] This caption is identical with and applies equally to all images below.
The tree is about 40 meters high and 5 meters wide. Local authorities have taken measures to protect the old tree and its surrounding environment, including the creation of safe and comfortable spaces for travelers to appreciate the beauty of the tree.
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China is not the only place in the world where an individual tree can be considered special and/or iconic. I can think of one in America that I have visited - the Lone Pine (Cypress?) on California's Carmel coast. This is a photo from the internet. My photos of it are back in storage in Canada.
But then I discovered this article....
15 of the Most Remarkable Trees in the United States
LINK -> 15 of the Most Remarkable Trees in the United States
Ginko trees are unique and very pretty.. Mature female ginkos produce a foul smelling berry.
At The school I worked at, an alumni donated several Ginko trees and one of them was planted by the dining room doors. It suddenly started producing berries that fell on the sidewalk and smelled like poop. After a few years of this, at Homecoming the maintenance man was hosing the sidewalk and the President of the school said leave them because he wanted to show them to the Alumni.
At the Alumni meeting in the dining room after they walked on what the kids called poop berries, they approved cutting that tree down. That is the only thing all the alumni ever agreed on.
We thought the man who donated them knew about the smelly berries and had that one planted there
There are several Ginko trees still growing on the grounds, just not near the dining room.
LOL. Great story. I wonder if the alumnus knew his botany and was deliberately making a statement that the food in the dining room was really shitty.