A Simple Geography Test for NT Members
A Simple Geography Test for NT Members
Get your brain out of politics for a few minutes and have a little fun meeting a simple challenge.
Here, in alphabetical order, is a list of 20 world cities.
New York City
Rio de Janiero
San Francisco
Now you will see below a series of 20 numbered images. Each of the images is of something important contructed located in one of the cities (in one case as in a movie). All you have to do is send me, Buzz of the Orient, in a PN your list of the cities with the numbers of the images that correspond with them. .
As an example, suppose a city named on the list were Washington DC, and one of the images was of The White House, and that image was numbered 9. You would write the number 9 beside the word Washington DC on the list of cities that you send me in a PN. Please do not write your answers or any kind of a hint in a comment below.
Remember that I am on the other side of the world of most of you and I could be asleep when you send the answers, but I will soon get around to seeing them and scoring them for you, along with what the correct answers are if you miss any. Remember, I don't deduct score for wrong answers, so even if you're not sure, guess.
Now, enjoy this opportunity for a little distraction, and have some fun.
The administrator of this group reserves the right, along with the site moderators, to moderate all and any postings to this group, including the right to enforce the ToS, the CoC, and also including anything that the administrator deems within his sole discretion to be offensive or off topic, with the power to delete in exercising those rights.
It would be best, therefore, to be civil in posting on this group.
By now it should be well known that I am unable to open certain videos and pictures. If I cannot, I will ask that they be described and explained. If the poster refuses to comply, their comment will be deleted. Instagrams are banned.
Please read what I said above the images carefully so that you don't make any mistakes, and remember, send your answers in a PN to me, Buzz of the Orient, and do not put them in a comment here, nor should you post any kind of hint or it will ruin this game for everyone else. I will get back to you with your score and corrections.
This game will close and the winners' circle will be announced Monday evening March 17th at 10 p.m. New York City time.
Ok I’m gonna try this one.
And so tried you did, and well you did as well.
Ahh yep will give it a fling..
Okay, have some fun.
looks like fun
A change of pace for sure.
Given the overall prevailing pace . . . its nice to have a change!
My concern about NT is that either there needs to be a change of pace, or decent members will seek a change of place.
Morning will send through my answers shortly...
Just sent it through...
'Got it, thanks.'
Especially with the list of city names provided, this test is too easy, but at least I hope it's a welcome distraction and a lttle bit of fun, if not much of a challenge. Next one will be countries, rather than cities, and there will not be a list of country names provided, only the clues.
Some were a process of elimination..a baseball field and buildings were rather hard..
The equivalent would be a footy field here from some obscure location..🤣
But seeing I have been to most of the places certainly helps...
Yes, but it's not just ANY baseball field.
I'm not a baseball fan-- so I had no idea which teams uses that field. I found most of the buildings to be rather famous-- but there are some I'm pretty sure I don't know.
I have all of them, except 10, which is so nondescript that it must be Toronto.
I bet you'll do much better than me on this quiz.
I had two unusual Zoom meetings today, will probably have time to do this one tomorrow.
You, of all NT members, should be the last person to not recognize number 10.
I was going to post that, but decided against it as it might possibly (?) be considered a "hint".
Incidentally, FWIW, I recognized it immendiately (and I'm a real doofus when it comes to these sorts of quizzes).
Doofus. I wondered if it was a real word. So I googled it:
Doofus. I wondered if it was a real word. So I googled it:
Or as any true Southerner can tell you, it should actually be:
One of the good 'ole boys"
You were not wrong, and I'm guilty as charged, but I'm exonerated because this is my article posted on one of my groups.
Well, what's the worst that could happen?
Trump could put a tariff on me?
(And anyway if he ddi he's probably rescind it in a few days).
I'm so bad at the movie quizzes I no longer attempt them.
But I'm going to do this one, I should do better than with movies.
The movie quizzes might give you a problem. The movie games, like the one presently posted, would enable an intelligent person who knows how to 'seek and find' a perfect score without having seen even one movie in their lifetime. Practise makes perfect.
Actually I'm already pretty good at that. I didn't spend much time on them, but over time, through various quizzes, I did get maybe 5 or so correct--- none of which I've actually seen. (Well, maybe I saw one, don't remember)
Morning..so I am assuming first prize is a nice big jar of Vegemite..
That way I can bump off all the opposition..🐨
See you can even buy a 2.5 kilo tub of it..just think if the tariff war continues send it to the States...it can be Canada's secret weapon with our compliments...🐨
I tried to find it in the big box METRO store where I buy imported foods, but no luck.
Most stores in the U.S. don't carry it. (You have to go to Asian Specialties stores).
Do they have Asian Specialty Food Stores in China?
Amazon and Walmart both sell Vegemite online...
Although I suppose would be a classic case of "Coals to Newcastle"?
(No insult to the fine people of Newscastle intended!
I guess that shouldn't be surprising. Amazon sells a lot of different stuff. IIRC they now sell cars (?). And definitely sells houses (prefab).
And not that I was looking for it ya gotta unnerstan-- but they do sell a wide variety of "sex toys"-- including a lot of accesories for B&D and ...S&M!
(I could get more specific, but I'm not sure if it would violate the NT TOS. . . ?)
Let's just say that the head of one of Amazon's purchasing departments. must have read "Fifty Shades of Gray" (or seen the movie if there is one?).
You're kidding, of course.
I'm nolrmally exceptioally tolerant of "off topic" but let's not carry it too far.
(Thanks for the warning
Umm that's probably not a bad thing..if the Chinese acquire a taste for it there would be a massive shortage and riots here..
We can't have that happening..
My cousin's son who just broke up with his Chinese fiancee, she loves Vegemite...her mum is coming out to Australia permanently the end of next year so could have another convert...
Slowly but surely we are gaining world control..
You are lucky!
If Donald Trump was your President, he'd probably put a tariff on it-- for which foreign Vegemite producers would retaliate with their own Vegemite tariffs-- a long and very nasty Trade War ensuing!
Production (& consumption) of large amounts of Vegemite are definitely the keys to world domination!!!