
First Ever Video of Wild Snow Leopard Mother and Cubs

Via:  Larry Hampton  •  13 years ago  •  2 comments

First Ever Video of Wild Snow Leopard Mother and Cubs

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Snow Leopard Mother And Cub In Mongolian Den from Panthera Cats on Vimeo .

Snow leopards live in the remote mountains of countries such as Bhutan, China, India, Mongolia and Nepal. They are endangereda mere 4,000 to 6,000 individuals are spread out over Central Asiaand live solitary lives, usually active just at dawn and dusk. Coupled with their exceptional camouflage, this makes themnotoriously elusivealthough they figure largely in the mythology of many Asian cultures, wild snow leopards werent even caught on camera until the 1970s .

Now, for the first time, a team of researchers fromthe Snow Leopard Trust and Panthera , a wild cat conservation organization, have captured video of a wild snow leopard mother and cubs in a den, seen above. This is incredible. Snow leopards are so rare and elusive that people often talk about them as ghosts of the mountains, said Brad Rutherford , Executive Director of the Snow Leopard Trust. This is the first documented visit of a den site with cubs, and thanks to this video we can share it with the world.


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