Evans Above, Evan Help Us, Evanly Choirs, ... by Rhys Bowen
A Welsh village called LLanfair, in the 1970s... or is it 1980s? No matter; time doesn't flow in North Wales in quite the same way as elsewhere. Lying just below Mount Snowdon, Llanfair has a main street and a few (short) side streets. The butcher's name is Evans. The mailman's name is Evans The bobby's name is Evans. So they are called "Evans the meat", "Evans the post", and "Evans the law".
A quiet, tranquil little Welsh village. The most significant conflict is between the two pastors -- despite its size, Llanfair has two churches, of course.
A quiet, tranquil little Welsh village. A nice, chatty, clubby pub, of course, with a low-neckline-and-high-hemline barmaid who has her sights set on Evans the law.
A quiet, tranquil little Welsh village. Oh, there are some tourists -- too many according to some locals, and not enough according to others. They come to climb on Mount Snowdon. And of course there's an accident once in a while. Unless it isn't an accident. Evan thinks there are some oddities concerning the two dead young men, but North Welsh Police headquarters cannot imagine foul play in a quiet, tranquil Welsh village.
The Evan Evans books, by Rhys Bowen, are popcorn. They aren't nourishing... but you'll munch your way through them with gusto.