
Recalling American politics lowest point

By:  Vic Eldred  •  6 years ago  •  3 comments

Recalling American politics lowest point
Demand Justice, a left-wing interest group recently founded by Brian Fallon, the campaign spokesman for Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016, announced plans to spend $1 million in television ads against the eventual nominee, whoever it was.nounced plans to spend

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Two women have written an account of the Kavanaugh hearings and their book "Justice on Trial" has become the talk of the beltway recently. The Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemingway and Judicial Crisis Network senior counsel Carrie Severino—Have done a great job IMHO of investigative journalism in revealing what really happened behind the scenes during the bitterly divisive Kavanaugh hearings and have highlighted the sad state of affairs in Washington DC.

One of the key selling points of the book has been the revelation that the First Lady came to the conclusion early on that the sexual assault allegations made by Christine Blasey Ford against the Supreme Court Nominee were false. "You know that woman is lying, don't you?" Melania reportedly told the President.

For me the book confirms a lot of things objective individuals suspected as the despicable proceedings dragged on. We had a woman making an 11th hour complain about an event that took place many decades ago. She had a spotty recollection of questionable events with no evidence. Her long time best friend and lifelong democrat was asked to vouch for her story, since Ford claimed her friend was at the party. However, her best friend had to admit that she had no memory of being at any such party. Ms Fords lawyers were recommended to her by Sen Dianne Feinstein and acted in bad faith, not telling Ms Ford, who didn't want to publicly testify, that the Senate chairman had offered to fly out investigators to interview Ms Ford, rather that Ford coming to Washington DC. Other details provided by Ford's former boyfriend include the fact that Ford had become sort of an expert on beating a lie detector test and that she had helped another friend do just that. To me the most incredible revelation of this book is that we learn the White House knew a lot of damaging facts but decided to keep them quiet so as not to be perceived as "victim shaming". 


Allegations made in the book: (via   The Daily Caller )

Female classmates and friends at area schools recalled a heavy drinker who was much more aggressive with boys than they were.

Unnamed peers accused Ford of drinking to excess and accosting boys with some regularity as a student at the Holton-Arms School, a contrast with press accounts that cast her as innocent and naive during that period.

‘If she only had one beer’ on the night of the alleged assault, a high school friend said, ‘then it must have been early in the evening.’

Her contemporaries all reported the same nickname for Ford, a riff on her maiden name and a sexual act.

They also debated whether her behavior in high school could be attributed to the trauma of a sexual assault. If it could, one of them said, then the assault must have happened in seventh grade.


Another point that has to be made is that many Americans came to the same conclusion as the First Lady, but you would never know that by the way the biased liberal media covered the hearing.

Release day - Tuesday.

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