Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency
Andrew McCarthy had a long career with the US Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York. His most notable achievement was the prosecution of Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman and 11 accomplices for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. McCarthy, formerly a Rudy Giuliani attorney is currently a senior fellow at the "Foundation for Defense of Democracies" and is an opinion columnist for National Review.
Today marks the release of his new book on the matter of the Russia probes. The book is a condemnation of the intelligence agencies under Obama.
From the introduction:
"Here is the real collusion scheme: In 2016, the incumbent administration of Barak Obama put the awesome powers of the United States government's law enforcement and intelligence apparatus in the service of the Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign, the democratic party and the progressive beltway establishment. The scheme had two parts: Plan A; the objective and Plan B, a fail safe strategy in case Plan A imploded-which all the smartest people were supremely confident would never, ever happen....which is why you could bet the ranch that it would."
We now know that the "Steele Dossier" was a completely salacious and unverified document which was nothing more than highly questionable opposition research. It was paid for by the Clinton campaign, authored by a Trump hater, fostered along by government officials and misused by the FBI to get a FISA warrant to spy on American citizens and an opposing political campaign. The msm used it to permeate a great lie about Donald Trump conspiring with Russia. A lie that was told over and over to the American people for almost 3 years. A lie that was eventually exposed for what it was. A lie that, in the end, did considerable damage to the news organizations that promoted it.
So, here we get to read of the dastardly deeds of high ranking officials at the FBI and other intelligence agencies, courtesy of a true patriot.