Bill O'Reilly Breaks Down "Killing Crazy Horse: The Merciless Indian Wars in America"

Bill O'Reilly's "Killing" series — the largest-selling non-fiction series of all time with 17 million copies in print — continues. Holt just published "Killing Crazy Horse: The Merciless Indian Wars in America."
"The bloody Battle of Tippecanoe was only the beginning. It's 1811 and President James Madison has ordered the destruction of Shawnee warrior chief Tecumseh's alliance of tribes in the Great Lakes region. But while General William Henry Harrison would win this fight, the armed conflict between Native Americans and the newly formed United States would rage on for decades.
"Bestselling authors Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard venture through the fraught history of our country's founding on already occupied lands, from General Andrew Jackson's brutal battles with the Creek Nation to President James Monroe's epic "sea to shining sea" policy, to President Martin Van Buren's cruel enforcement of a "treaty" that forced the Cherokee Nation out of their homelands along what would be called the Trail of Tears. O'Reilly and Dugard take readers behind the legends to reveal never-before-told historical moments in the fascinating creation story of America."
Bill O'Reilly joined the Hammer and Nigel Show Tuesday to preview the book, which is now available at or, where fans can purchase an autographed or personalized copy.
O'Reilly: "This book is tough, but I think if you apply yourself and understand what I'm trying to get at, you'll understand that much like today, it was a complicated time in the country's history and the common narrative that we've been told is not entirely true. Some of it is true and some of it isn't.
"So I introduce you to these amazing characters like Cochise - never defeated in battle by the U.S. Army - couldn't get him.
"Crazy Horse - the most brilliant military tactician you'll ever find. He ran circles around Custer, who was a Civil War hero and that was the reason he was out there. Ulysses S. Grant ordered him out there to take care of Crazy Horse and his tribe.
"But I'm re-reading the book now for the third time, and I just keep shaking my head [because] I didn't know any of this and I was a high school history teacher. So I think people will enjoy it and they won't be able to put it down."
O'Reilly told Hammer and Nigel that like 2018's "Killing the SS: The Hunt for the Worst War Criminals in History," "Killing Crazy Horse" is brutal in its depiction of this era in American history.
O'Reilly: "The battles were intense. And look, some pages are horrifying. And I've had women say, 'Did you have to put that in there?' and I said, 'Yeah.' Because if you don't understand how horrifying the Comanches were - that tribe, in particular, was off the charts brutal - then you can't understand the reaction.
"Now, there is no question that the Indians were provoked. The white settlers took their land in every country on this planet that happened. Sometimes they weren't white, but it happened. And when the indigenous people were faced with the new people coming from Europe with guns, there was going to be conflict.
"But in order to understand the emotion that led to decision-making, that led to Custer's Last Stand - the Battle of Little Bighorn. In order to understand the tremendous level of emotion involved, I had to put you on the battlefield and in the Indian camp - just like we put you in the concentration camp in "Killing the SS."
Mr. O'Reilly also weighed in on the current political landscape and offered his projections on the upcoming election.
Click below to hear Hammer and Nigel's full interview with Bill O'Reilly. This particular visit with Mr. O'Reilly - especially his comments on Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Black Lives Matter, and mail-in ballots - deserves your attention.

O'Reilly still doing US History?