Pat Robertson Outed By Gay Lover Wayne LaPierre—NRA & Conservative Christians ‘Aghast’
A tearful Wayne LaPierre issued a press statement today revealing a decades-long homosexual relationship with televangelist Pat Robertson, plunging both the National Rifle Association and the Conservative Christian Council into utter chaos. The stunning announcement was met with audible gasps of dismay from LaPierre aides, who were clearly shocked by the long-time NRA chiefs unexpected confession.
I love Pat with all my heart, LaPierre declared, and after years of fear and anguish, I have concluded its time for me to finally put the cards on the table. I know this will cause consternation for both the organization I have been privileged to lead and for many of Pats followers, but the truth must come out. My conscience has been stricken, not by my feelings for Pat, but by the lies and deception we have lived with for so many years. The time has come for candor, for honesty and for healinghealing for all of us who have cowered in the closet in fear of rejection and misunderstanding.
Let the chips fall where they may. If the NRA wants my resignation, they can have it. If the arms manufacturers who have so generously supported this organization see fit to withdraw their contributions, so be it. My sexuality has in no way affected my beliefs about gun ownership, the Second Amendment or the importance of Americans being able to defend themselves and their loved ones.
I can only hope that the stance I have decided to take encourages the many Gay gun-owners across this nation to stand up proudly and hold their pistols with both hands.
LaPierre refused to take questions from reporters and left the NRA offices immediately after concluding his statement. There has been no statement from the National Rifle Association concerning LaPierres announcement or regarding his future as head of the organization.
Calls to Pat Robertsons office went unanswered.
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Wayne finally comes out of the gun-safe...
Yo! Shouldn't your name be Badwabbit?
Some deep, dark and perverted place inside my tortured gun owning soul wishes this were true.
LOL-- tnx for dropping in GN. Once the 'inspiration' struck, it was just too good to resist...
I didn't get aroused, but reading the story and imagining Pat and Wayne together in a sleeping bag has given me an itchy rash on my testicles. If Pat were to kiss it for me I'm sure the rash would go away. I'll get a video.
See that picture of Pat up there in the article? Caption: "Yes, it's true. Wayne's weenie really is this long."
Damn, GN--- I wracked my brain trying to come up w/ captions for those pics & couldn't get it. Thanks & a tip of the Swami's turban !