Via: a-macarthur • 11 years ago • 5 comments
Some of the first days of Spring ironically get their color from leftover autumn leaves (like Beech tree leaves) that hang on to branches or blanket a forest floor.
A rich blue sky, a still stream and mirror-still reflections make a spiritual picture.
This morning it snowed and I've gotten several nice shots of Robins in the snow; there must be 50 of them in my back yard ALL MALES -- never saw that phenomenon before.
Pix later.
Hopefully I'll get to mo Pocono house by the end of March -- right now all the water is still frozen up there. Once at the house, I'll charge the batteries for the trolling motor, check the tires on the boat trailer and generally get ready for Spring, Summer and Fall.
Looking forward to meeting face-to-face this year my friend and hopefully with a few others from NT.
Peace to all.
Dear Friend A.Mac: Amazing! Well done.
Can't believe how still that water is. Ah tranquility.
Just beautiful as always Mac.
Thanks for making my morning brighter.
This morning it snowed and I've gotten several nice shots of Robins in the snow; there must be 50 of them in my back yard ALL MALES -- never saw that phenomenon before.
Pix later.
Hopefully I'll get to mo Pocono house by the end of March -- right now all the water is still frozen up there. Once at the house, I'll charge the batteries for the trolling motor, check the tires on the boat trailer and generally get ready for Spring, Summer and Fall.
Looking forward to meeting face-to-face this year my friend and hopefully with a few others from NT.