Texting For Seniors
A friend emailed these to me thought others might enjoy them:
Young people have theirs,
now Seniors have their own texting codes:
* ATD - At the Doctor's
* BFF - Best Friends Funeral
* BTW - Bring the Wheelchair
* BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth
* CBM - Covered by Medicare
* CUATSC- See You at the Senior Center
* DWI - Driving While Incontinent
* FWIW - Forgot Where I Was
* GGPBL- Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low
* GHA - Got Heartburn Again
* HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement
* LMDO- Laughing My Dentures Out
* LOL - Living on Lipitor
* OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas
* TOT - Texting on Toilet
* WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?
CRS-can't remember shit
WTF-waiting to fart
Hope these help. GGLKI (Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking in!)
We need to add;
CRS-can't remember shit
Funny. Enjoyed them all.
OK that would be ROFLMDO ...
Funny, Larry! I can't text well, anyway!
Much love to you!
I love it, but CRS has to be added Larry.
* We old folks may think this is the old Lucky Strike cigarette slogan, "Luck Strike Means Fine Tobacco," -- but that was then and this is now
"Let's Stop My Finger's Tired"!