Scientists Successfully Develope Glow-in-the-Dark Pigs
Category: Health, Science & Technology
Via: jerry-verlinger • 11 years ago • 10 comments By Travis Gettys
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Scientists in China have successfully bred glow-in-the-dark pigs using jellyfish DNA.
Researchers at the South China Agricultural University announced last month that they had successfully engineered 10 piglets that glowed green under a black light.
Pretty cool, right? But why? Read more ; ( there is actually a good reason for it )
Yeah, glow in the dark pigs, leave it to the Chinese.
A German and Czeck team have also discovered dogs poop in line with the earth's magnetic fields .
If only this research could be applied to libertarians, TeaFarty adherents and top-grossing CEOs...
I could see these pigs being a total disaster for some bars; you know, the ones that use UV lighting to cover up the fact that they haven't cleaned the place in a few years. Pig walks into the bar and starts glowing and alcohol consumption drops off like a rock. Everyone decides that they've now used up their entire lifetime quota of booze.
Somehow this sounds like the beginning of a whole new generation of internet jokes:
"So. a glow-in-the-dark pig walks into a bar..." "A glow-in-the-dark pig walks into a bar with a beautiful girl on his arm..."
Dr. R--
Some evidence that Chi-com research is rapidly catching up to Western standards... what's next-- revisionist historians that glow in the dark? Insufficiently dedicated proletarians that glow in the dark?Inadequately zealous patriots that glow in the dark...
Gives a whole new context to the old saw "Nuke 'em till they glow..."
I'm holding out for green monkeys that taste like chicken... never mind the Bach.
Not exactly, but there is a reason and value for the results of thisexperiment.
Try reading the linked article , it may help reduce the many things you are unaware of.
"The scientists said the technique pioneered by the University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Medicine could help create more cost-effective medicines and therapies to treat patients with certain maladies.
Patients who suffer from hemophilia, and they need the blood-clotting enzymes in their blood, we can make those enzymes a lot cheaper in animals rather than a factory that will cost millions of dollars to build, said Dr. Stefan Moisyadi, of the University of Hawaiis Institute for Biogenesis Research."
I did read the article and there actually are serious medical benefits from the experiment. That said, however; it's still funnier than hell. Congratulations, not only did you bring up a serious topic; but, you're also a pretty good straight man for all the jokes that keep coming to mind about this subject.
Hey, this is not funny guys! The Chinese have some serious shit going on here.
The Turkshave previously used the technique to breed fluorescent rabbits, and theyre expected to announce similar results soon for sheep, and scientists at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species have cloned glow-in-the-dark wildcats in hopes of saving that species from extinction.
The next thing we know is the Tea Party will have glow-in-the-dark teabags so they can save themselves from extinction ....... then we'll really be fucked!
Then I guess we're fucked.
(Hey! How about glow-in-the-dark Kool Aid?)