The shocking truth behind China’s EV dominance and America’s uphill battle
By: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
3 months ago
This is from Autoblog , a very standard gearhead site. Not an EV site. Sam Evans isn't alone in seeing what's happening in the world.
The IEA says China has hit peak oil - Oil markets face enormous glut
By: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
3 months ago
America's per capita economy is bigger than China's, but since China has four times America's population, its economy is much the larger. When China sneezes, the whole world catches a...
The Cheapest Mini PC You Can Buy! GMKtec NucBox G3 Hands On Review
Via: outis
Health, Science & Technology
10 months ago
I'm a computer nerd. I like them. For many years, I owned only machines that I assembled myself. Today, this new generation of mini-PCs is just too good, right out of the box, to bother...
The Grille Trend that Kills 509 People per Year
Via: outis
Health, Science & Technology
last year
Ryan Kluftinger is Canadian, so he may perhaps be forgiven for imagining that macho male Americans would ever abandon their "fist through the air" pickup grilles for a paltry five hundred...
Evolutionary Biologist Reacts to Creationist Arguments
Via: outis
Health, Science & Technology
last year
This is the very best kind of didactic. Clint entertains while teaching... two different subjects. The obvious subject is creationism / evolution / natural selection. The less...
IIHS updates its testing criteria to focus on pedestrians and back-seaters
Via: outis
Health, Science & Technology
last year
Pedestrian casualties have been rising fast over the last few years, so it's good to see the IIHS resetting its criteria to push manufacturers to protect pedestrians. Of course, a cynic...
This Is How We'll Clean Up Space Junk
Via: outis
Health, Science & Technology
last year
Capitalists consider that "if no one can show clear title, we can do whatever we want". The communications businesses alone - not just Musk - are putting up huge numbers of satellites,...
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