


Category:  Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life

Via:  retired-military-ex-republican  •  12 years ago  •  2 comments


Do you know what party you belong in? Confusion by T.V.personalities confuse the public.


Grin.gif Is there a party fit for everyone? Thatis an impossibility. During off year elections the GOP for example has been attacking women's rights, arepro gun even in lieu of school shootings, against back ground checks, all is a set up to bring a candidate in the Presidential election as aconservative who will switch toor lean towards being amoderate saying he has been listening to the people.

No hard core Religious Conservative anti science, anti Social Security, anti Medicare, anti Medicaid, or now anti Affordable Care Act will or can ever get elected. The only commentary we ever hear is the Radical Right or Left. Most Americans are Neither Extreme Liberals or extreme Conservatives. The time used in betweenelections is to scare the people in the middle to lean left or right. Most Americans are not racist, most Americans are not anti Religion or Religious Zealots. No one I know likes the idea of abortion but by the same token they would not expect their wife or daughter to carry an embryo to full term conceived by a rape.

I would not hesitate a moment to get my wife an abortion if the pregnancy or conception was expected to kill her. Everything is not black or white so to speak but shades of gray. Our Country has always run a debt comparative to gross national product we still do. We have not always been the Worlds protector or country to invade another to take down their government. We left Europe because of Religious inequality, because of Labor laws that drove wages down and welcomed child labor. We left Europe that burned books by the building full and destroyed religious books notapprovedby the Kings and Queens or Churches newly approved by the same.

Our country was built on the premise of freedom of religion and freedom of speech and fair labor. The old saying an honest days wages for an honest days work. That is exactly what Business is now trying to avoid. Medical care for everyone the top Producing countries almost all have it. Wehave a congress who is doing theirlevel bestto deny it. Food Stamps for the poor were stopped.

Many people in this countrywho say theybelieve in Jesus yet refuse to follow the actions and deeds he performed according tothe parables written about him.Even if you don't believe in God or Jesus the Parables are the golden ruledepictions do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Why do we try to tell others how they should pray, live their life, what they should believe in?Its all about power and nothing to do with logic. Private schools allow the rich to get the upper hand on education. States loose control over curriculum and standardization becomes a thing of the past. Corporations are already forcing books they approve of down Colleges and Private schools throats.

Am I a Liberal yes, am I Progressive yes, am I an Environmentalist more so all the time. I therefore am very much for cleanpower Solar Wind Wave! Do I dislike our Medical system yes very much so. We have fallen to number 36 from the top of Healthcare Ratings. We have allowed the Pharmaceutical companies to put medicine on the market more dangerous than the illness its supposed to treat. We force medicine prices high when the actual cost is thousands of times less. We fight against government provided medical care but countries who do have it are the best in the world. We have health insurance that tells us what we can and cannot do and can refuse us or cancel us at their whim. If its not a lab producedpill or synthetic shot the AMA fights against it. They make testing and proofing of new techniques and medicines some natural almost impossible. If you want new technology treatment you have to travel overseas. Easy for the rich.

Maybe I'm a fanatic as I want what is the best to be provided for everyone. The Corporatist seem to want the very, very best only for themselves and deny it to everyone else. The Mount Olympus syndrome. 24.gif

Rant over.


jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   Susan2    11 years ago

Well said!!!

retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  retired military ex Republican    11 years ago

I fall somewhere to the left of the extreme left. I am the Atilla the Hun only on the left extreme. Gee who would have thought. Its an old survey but still pretty much viable. Only about one question way out of whack.


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