The author of this article forgot the utter nightmares of Guntucky and Kentucky Wildman. It appears that not only does one need untrimmed facial hair and no brain, but one must also be without teeth.
I've met a lot of people out and about in the state, and have managed to have a conversation with almost everyone I've met and spent time with. I've never met anyone like the yahoos portrayed in these reality shows.
The values depicted in most of these shows are absolutely sick. It proves the old adage that having money does not necessarily confer Class, and visa versa.
Which came first, gullible knotheads or TV shows that pander to them? It is a sad commentary that there's clearly a vast market for assinine television--- Jerry Springer demonstrated that. I think people watch garbage like Springer 'cause it makes them feel superior: 'I may be a fool but at least I don't do shit like that ..." 'Duck' allows any Fundacon with a beard to cherish the illusion that they, too, could become an 'eccentric' millionaire. Garbage like 'The Apprentice' and 'Kardashians' celebrate the power of money and fame-- those folks may be tempermental pricks or egocentric airheads, but hey... they got style !!
Agree with you J4T - anybody that thinks those fat butted, fat lipped, overly endowed, plastic enhanced Kasmardian women are what real life is about - ya gotta be on some serious drugs.
All those hundreds of TV channels may lead you that there's a true diversity and variety in today's television ... but you'd be wrong. A handful of large companies control what you see, hear, and read every day.
Let's take a look at who owns what on television - here are the TV channels owned by 6 of the largest companies in media, as depicted by their logos:
General Electric is a true behemoth: the conglomerate is the world's third largest company with market capitalization of nearly $370 billion and annual revenue of $173 billion ( 2007 ). The company produces practically everything - from aircraft engine to locomotives to medical devices.
GE's media holding includes television networks NBC and Telemundo, 27 television stations in the United States and many cable TV networks, including the History Channel, A&E, and Sci Fi Channel. It also owns the popular web-based TV website Hulu.
Update 7/8/08: A&E is co-owned by The Hearst Corporation and ABC, which in turn is owned by Disney.
Time Warner is the world's largest media and entertainment company - it owns major operations in film, TV, print, Internet, and telecommunications. Time Warner has an annual revenue of $50.5 billion ( 2008 ) - the equivalent of the entire GDP of Luxembourg.
Like cartoons? Time Warner's got you covered with Cartoon Network and Adult Swim. Classic movies? Check (Turner Classic Movies). And who can forget CNN and Headline News? Both are Time Warner properties. (Note: CW is co-owned by Time Warner and CBS).
You may associate it with amusement parks, but The Walt Disney Company has grown to be one of the world's largest media and entertainment corporation since its founding as an animation studio by brothers Walt and Roy Disney in 1923.
The Walt Disney Company owns the ABC television network, with more 200 affiliated stations reaching nearly 100% of all U.S. television market, as well as dozens of niche cable networks. True to its cartoon animation origin, Disney captures its viewers early - it counts millions of young children as its audience with kids channels like the Disney Channel.
Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation is a behemoth: it is the largest media company in the world by market capitalization ($38 billion). For most people, the conservative news channel Fox comes foremost to mind when asked what they think of Murdoch's media empire - but the company's holding is far larger: it includes Asia's Star TV Network, the National Geographic Channel and even the iconic TV Guide network.
Don't watch TV? Even if you prefer to browse the Internet, most likely you've visited News Corp's property, which include Hulu (owned in partnership with GE through its subsidiary NBC Universal) and the social networking giant MySpace.
CBS (which used to stand for the Columbia Broadcasting System) is not sometimes called the Tiffany Network for nothing: the company is known for its high programming quality. It is currently the most watched television network in the United States, and reached more than 103 million homes in the country.
Both CBS and Viacom (see below) are owned by multi-billionaire Sumner "content is king" Redstone, through his holding company National Amusements.
Viacom stands for "Video and Audio Communication" - and true to that name, the company owns a large number of cable and satellite television networks (the company was split from CBS Corporation in 2005, though both have the same majority owner).
In 2007, Viacom filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Google and YouTube for copyright infringement and recently a federal judge granted Viacom's request for data of all YouTube users. The blogosphere has since called for a boycott of all Viacom properties - so that means no MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon or - gasp - Comedy Central for you!
These shows are the expected outcome of a society based wholly in capitalism and consumerism. 'Reality' shows cost pennies to produce in comparison to traditional sit coms. Just like every other commodity in a capitalistic environment, the quality continually gets cheaper while the volume and profits grow exponentially. Thankfully, there IS still quality entertainment out there, if you look for it. However, if you are settling for Duck Dynasty, Amish Mafia, Breaking Amish, Honey Booboo, Storage Wars, etc. - you have very low standards, IMO. There is no true reality in these garbage shows, just a lot of piss poor acting and terrible writing, taking place on an unimaginative and inexpensive stage set, by people with no acting experience or potential. Truly a shameless dumbing down of America.
You just solidified the whole point in all this with that one line.
Yeah. My bad. WTF was I thinking when offering friends the opportunity to have removed, something that might offend them?
I can see the politically correct 1st Amendmentpolicehave you brainwashed as well. I see your professionalartistic photography,copy/ paste/ edit/, skills came in handy too.
Would you prefer a more original ass-whoopin' -- I'm quite capable that way. What are you really pissed about; I'm thinking that it may be because of my going after a redneck-hatespeaker."
I have freedoms too ya' know. Ain't that some ironic stuff?
But what you can't seem to see are the limits to the right to freedom of expression. So, allow me to copy and paste them for your edification.
These exceptions have been created over time, based on certain types of speech and expression, and under different contexts. While freedom of speech in the United States is a constitutional right, these exceptions make that right a limited one.
Restrictions that are based on people's reactions to words include both instances of a complete exception, and cases of diminished protection.
Speech that involves incitement, false statements of fact, obscenity, child pornography, threats, and speech owned by others are all completely exempt from First Amendment protections. Commercial advertising receives diminished, but not eliminated, protection.
Here's something I find interesting (if not hypocritical); many of the same folks vehemently defending Daffy "Duck's right to be offensive, object to BOTH HIS SUSPENSION AND TO UNIONS (one of which may have been able to negotiate down his employer-imposed punishment and asking that "progressive discipline" be implemented rather than suspension -- assuming this was a first offense).
What concerns me is that we seem to be racing to the bottom culturally and intellectually in this country. Outside of money why are these huge corporations advocating this ?
Great article Pat and spot on. I've been saying this for a while. If it isn't dumb, the American attention span is about 5 minutes. Net results can be seen on "Jay Walking"
There are a couple reality shows that I had some appreciation for, since it was clear that actual unscripted reactions from strangers was involved. I used to like Cash Cab, and believe it or not, Parking Wars. I can sympathize with the grief people go through over parking violations. It was kind of a guilty pleasure watching unaltered footage of people getting pissed off when they walk up on someone giving their car a parking ticket or booting their car.
Other than that photo you just posted you haven't supplied an original thought of your own, that wasn't somebody else'scopy and pasted words, as long as I've been on NTs.
Indeed, I referred to them as "SCHMUCKS"
: a stupid or foolish person
I'm not sure where you stand on anything because you never go there. You always rely on others opinions, and statements to substantiate everything you post. Everything but your own opinions in your own words.
Go check the articles I've posted.
And, when I oppose someone else's opinions, I always tell my reasons and back them with corroborative opinions from a number of sources. That's the same as expressing my opinion on a given issue.
It's also known as disagreement and the part where I explain why I disagree is called the debate part.
Who's pissed? Not me. I simply defined how I took your comment.
And in my own words, I've been responding to yours.
And I'm going to stop commenting because this is starting to move towards bad feelings and I hold none towards you, Mike.
This is apparently your day to come after me, Mike.
By who's authority, yours? Who died and made you the ultimate authority on everything? Be careful Mac sometimes those $100 words can backfire on you.
I'll mail you your change.
I tried to end the pissin' contest, Mike, but, continue if you must.
Robert G and I have been going at this for a long time. We've accepted our adversarial relationship and dish it out freely to one another; he's more than capable of verbally kicking my ass and doesn't need representation.
Funny that you haven't admonished (warned or reprimand someone firmly) him as well.
For quality reality television check out Outside television its all Kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, mountain climbing and mountain biking. It doesn't get any more real than that.
Indeed Mike; I have become more strident in responding to particular comments and at one point stated that "the gloves are off".
If you're interested, you'll look back and see the kinds of comments upon which I've come down hard -- they are the hateful, bigoted ones in particular -- most of which have been debunked many times but die hard (if any) deaths.
Often I will identify the source of such lies along with the facts -- but never seem to get an, "Oh, I didn't know, thanks for clearing that up" response.
And then the lie is nevertheless reiterated.
To those who wish to be the carriers and proponents of orchestrated lie and hate campaigns -- I say, "live by the sword, etc.". I never attack the messenger unless I first attack the message, and, I don't hesitate to hit back if hit first.
Regardless of which opinion I might challenge, it's my consistent practice to both back up my opposing opinion and invite equally specific rebuttals.
On the other hand, I am a pain-in-the-ass; but even pompous, pains-in-the-ass need love.
I fully understand why some find me abrasive in my expressions at times; however, those whom I represented back-in-the-day appreciated the grit, knew I would defend them zealously, would be well-armed with a paper trail and make any plaintiff put up or shut up.
I appreciate your (is it copied-and-pasted? ) peace symbol.
But even in a circle, some see and use the circle as a pretense of equality, granted, by them, to provide a more comfortable setting for our indoctrination.
Yeah, like those "takers" in the 47% who TF do those laid-off, foreclosed upon, discriminated against, minority, victims-of-institutionalized-discrimination MF's think they are?
You apparently don't know the history between Robert G and myself. There are times when we overtly punch and counter punch, read-between-the-lines and comment in kind, quip, mock and every now ant the, just dialogue on topic.
Robert's comment, IMO, was an oblique reference to what he thinks about me a well-constructed, articulate smack down.
We do it to one another almost every day (sometimes more than once-a-day). Robert's a sharp guy and can insult with the best of them. While it often appears that I dislike him, I do not.
PUBLISHED: 18:12 EST, 17 October 2013 | UPDATED: 18:47 EST, 17 October 2013
They were the bearded stars that no one saw coming.
Just over a year ago, few people outside the hunting industry had ever heard of duck call creators the Robertsons, but now the family and their show, is the most popular on television.
Their huge success can be attributed to their unusual ways of dealing with problems and, of course, their glorious long long beards.
Well that's different: In a never-seen-before image posing with Duck Dynasty matriarch Kay Robertson, there is not a whisker between brothers (L-R) Willie, Alan, Jase and Jep
The Robertson men - Si, his brother and founder of the Duck Commander company, Phil, and his two sons Willie and Jase - are renowned for their fully fledged men of the wilderness facial hair.
But just a decade ago, it was a very different story with the ruff and rugged men looking more like a Haynes T-shirt commercial.
In a never-seen-before image taken in 2001 obtained by Life&Style magazine, there is not a whisker between Willie, Alan, who has just signed on to be on the show, Jase and Jep, who has largely been just a guest star until now.
For instance, on the show "Duck Dynasty", before the show started all of the men were clean cut, clean shaven yuppie types.
The following
Wrong, and proven wrong. Classic case of ignorance of the truth.
All I did was post a picture showing them without beards before the Duck Dynasty show started. How long before doesn't seem to be at issue. They did hunting shows with the beards prior to doing Duck Dynasty.
Willie Robertson: Duck Dynasty CEO's appearance at Christian fundraising event cancelled after Duck Commander's wine collaboration
Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson's appearance at a 'Duck Dynasty' fundraising event for Free Will Baptist Family Ministries has been cancelled following the family's decision to venture into the wine business.
I dig the values here; defend gay bashing and racist commentary but "wine," whole 'nother deal, man -- you ain't speakin' at my church!
Duck Dynasty was originally started to put hillbillies in a bad light by stereotyping. A&E fugged up. Turns out these folks went #1 because more Americans related with them, their family valuesand their religious perspective. The other shows are pretty much responsible for a national brain damage crisis. Its not just the shows its the advertisements. some are so condescending I want to throw my remote at the screen. Good thing I have a DVR. Now I record what I want and zip past the idiotic ads.
I don't watch reality shows as I know most of them are staged bigtime.
This thread is so off base it isn't even funny. People watch television shows for their entertainment value period. Nobody actually gets any dumber watching any of these programs and they're not any worse than most other shows from the past. It's actually ridiculous to assume that anyone who watches these shows is somehow affected by it other than the entertainment they get out of them.
Television has always been the way it is. The vast majority of shows to ever be on TV could be lumped in right along side the shows you are criticizing. A lot of shows from the past were much more stereotypical and even racist. Shows that most of you probably grew up with.
Even the most highly rated network shows such as CSI are just as bad. Use highly inflammatory stories from real life and work them into a cop show where all crimes are magically solved with some off the wall and even illegal methods. Yeah that's making America smarter.
TV is a brief escape from real life where people unwind and get entertained, not some evil brainwashing device making everyone dumber. If you don't like the shows that are providing entertainment to enough Americans to keep them on the air then don't watch them. With all the channels out there I'm sure you can find something that you feel is acceptable.
TV is a brief escape from real life where people unwind and get entertained, not some evil brainwashing device making everyone dumber.
For some, it's a place to obtain misinformation and then live and swear by it.
Seven Surveys Make A Trend For Fox And Viewers
November 22, 2011 1:35 PM EST ERIC BOEHLERT
The release yesterday of yet another survey indicating the more you watch Fox News the less they know, has once again shone a spotlight on one of the unique features that defines Rupert Murdoch's cable news outlet - it is very, very good at misinforming people. And it's very bad at reporting the news.
In other words: Propaganda? Yes. News? Not so much.
It's true that the most recent survey , conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University, only polled adults in New Jersey and doesn't represent national indictment against Fox. Nonetheless, the findings created a media stir because they reinforce what pollsters and academics previously discovered ; that one of the country's all-news channels consistently leaves viewers less informed.
What's stunning is how many different areas of the news and public policy Fox viewers are misinformed about. For instance, the Fairleigh Dickinson survey asked viewers about recent grassroots uprisings in Arab nations [emphasis added]:
For example, people who watch Fox News, the most popular of the 24-hour cable news networks, are 18-points less likely to know that Egyptians overthrew their government than those who watch no news at all..... Fox News watchers are also 6-points less likely to know that Syrians have not yet overthrown their government than those who watch no news.
I don't think people are watching Duck Dynasty to be updated on foreign affairs Mac. We're talking about entertainment shows but you already know that.
I don't think people are watching Duck Dynasty to be updated on foreign affairs Mac. We're talking about entertainment shows but you already know that.
Unfortunately, some "celebrities" exploit their celebrity and foist there political and religious views and their so-called "values" on their fans, some of whom just suck it up without thinking. This happens on both sides of the ideological/political street but, IMHO, when it comes from the Right, it's more likely to be hateful than solicitous.
But be aware, the reason for my first comment was in response to this comment of yours:
People watch television shows for their entertainment value period. Nobody actually gets any dumber watching any of these programs and they're not any worse than most other shows from the past.
Not everyone watches for "entertainment" and some folks, in fact, get dumber (or remain dumb/ignorant) by regularly watching and listening to propaganda and veiled hate speak shows and audience-ascribed demigods.
There are times when Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some other demagogue-jockey will say something and shortly thereafter it appears on every right-wing blog and here on NT.
Don't get me wrong; both major political parties have their parrots. And some people get pissed at me any time I offer a specific counter-argument to one of their parrot-posts. At times I will ask a question that forces folks to, as it is said, "think outside the box." There are one or two who regularly will post thoughtful answers/rebuttals -- I have great respect for them and friend them. But there are others who, rather than thoughtfully attacking the message, will instead, attack me personally -- the so-called messenger.
"The dumbing of America" is not a recent observation, Ralph Waldo Emerson penned the first version in
I watch a lot of C-SPAN for the entertainment value. If you want to see a bunch of full-of-themselves dummies spouting mostly inane nonsense, this is the place to go. No commercials either. I especially love the public bureaucrats being grilled by Congressional committees. Their most common responses are:
While I agree with what you are saying, I don't think that has anything to do with Pat's article. What I was commenting on was within the context of reality shows.
A show like Duck Dynasty is popular because it's funny. Sure there's stereotyping going on but the show is based around the cast and the hijinks that ensue each episode.Their humor might not be for everyone but it's funny enough to be a very popular show. A show like Duck Dynasty is no different than a show like Friends or The Big Bang Theory. It's a comedy.
A show like Duck Dynasty is no different than a show like Friends or The Big Bang Theory. It's a comedy.
The shows may be comedic, but when one of the "comedians" steps out of character and uses his popularity as such to make public, hateful, biased editorial comments, he has left the world of, in this case, comedic "reality" shows and stepped over into actual reality and potentially reinforces some of the ugliest aspects of reality.
As for,
I don't think that has anything to do with Pat's article. What I was commenting on was within the context of reality shows.
Putting certain phenomena in a kind of "box" and trying to stay in that narrow space, in effect ignores the possible residual fall out and wrongly assumes that both scripts and those performing the scripts have no significant potential outside of the medium.
Discussions evolve, Dan and that's because thoughts evolve as well.
Are you saying that what's shown on TV today is any worse than what's been being shown on it since its creation?
No one has taken a position regarding "better" or "worse" -- it's the influence of show-related content or personalities that result in "dumbing down," smartening up, or, leaving audiences wherever they were before watching.
Have any soap operas influenced you Pat?
Did "All in the Family" influence you, Dan? Some shows influence positively, some negatively and some are so totally worthless, they're cancelled.
You kind of lost me here. I'm trying to stay within the context of the article. Are you saying that Phil Robertson's comments will be taken to heart by his viewers and they'll change their views on the subjects he discussed and that in turn makes them dumber? Anyone that thinks the way he does already thought that way. I doubt many people will change their views on the subjects he discussed because of what he said or because of who he is.
Are you saying that Phil Robertson's comments will be taken to heart by his viewers and they'll change their views on the subjects he discussed and that in turn makes them dumber?
I'm saying that he will reinforce the views of some, intensify them in some instances, "validating" the worst sentiments for many. Look at what happened with Cracker Barrel; initially, stores removed the Duck Dynasty items because many found Robertson's comments hateful and offensive.
After some 100,000 customers squawked, either because they felt Robertson's comments were First Amendment-protected, or, they agreed with him, Cracker Barrel put the items back on their shelves.
How's that for "taken to heart" -- one way or the other? What if some impressionable child or adolescent had no opinion one-way-or-the-other regarding gays and blacks, but liked Robertson, then decided to parrot Robertson's comments -- role model thing. And a dumbing down in such a scenario.
If you don't think entertainers and athletes (like the one's on steroids) don't say and do things that dumb down the impressionable, I believe you should re-think it.
I'll acknowledge your point if you agree that your overstating it a little. If that type of thing happens then the child or adolescent isn't being raised properly. You can't let the TV be the babysitter. What kids or adolescents watch on TV should also be monitored so if what you state happens, it's just as much the fault of the parent as it is the athlete or entertainer.
Thanks for the discussion Mac. I don't spend much time online over the weekend so we'll meet up on the next one.
I'll acknowledge your point if you agree that your overstating it a little. If that type of thing happens then the child or adolescent isn't being raised properly.
A child can be raised "properly" but, because children, adolescents and all of us make mistakes and errors in judgement, there are no guarantees. Consider if you will, the billions spent on advertising every year. How many of us are "persuaded" based on buy what we don't need, try and look the way we are 'sold on" as THE LOOK, etc. .
Many a properly-raised child is influenced by peers, propaganda and much of that propaganda comes from, among other sources television.
This has been a good conversation; I look forward to others. Dan.
I don't watch soaps but I think constant exposure to shows that seem to glorify stupidity or celebrity of non-achievers is bound to have influence on the masses that consume this dreck.
What gets me flustered are the commercials. They are very condescending. I use my DVR and pause the show to bank the time so I can skip the commercials. What bugs me even more is the repetition of said commercials over and over. Some commercials are outright deceptive like the ambulance chaser ones that want you to join in lawsuits against bad drugs. the only winners are the lawyers. From experience my stepfather joined in on one of those and got a whopping $1.26 for his efforts. No non-lawyer wins in the long run as that drives the cost of medical through the roof. When are people going to wake up?
If I want a good laugh I watch MSNBC. The constant fiction coming out of them is really funny.
Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction and, if one is not used to it, one laughs nervously out of shock and awe.
Nervous laughter is a physical reaction to stress, tension, confusion, or anxiety. Neuroscientist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran states "We have nervous laughter because we want to make ourselves think what horrible thing we encountered isn't really as horrible as it appears, something we want to believe."
It's somewhat analogous to the phenomenon known colloquially as "Whistling past the graveyard".
A Mac. Leave it to you to overanalyze a simple factualcomment. Is your egoso bloated that you think you can psychoanalyze how a person thinks by one truthful comment?
I think you need tocut back onthe lithium treatments. So much effort put into your response tells me that you really need to go out into the real world more often instead of staying glued to a computer keyboard. Good luck!
Unfortunately most of television programming these days is designed to dumb down those who watch them. The best we can do to stop this is to not tune in to them. Shows like honey Boo Boo, Myrtle Mansion, Kardashians, Real wives of wherever? I feel sorry for the ones who watch these kinds of programs. I prefer the science channel.
But the downside is that if we are successful in getting these kinds of shows off the air then A Mac wouldn't have anything to watch.
Reality shows only perpetuate the stereotyping of people that are actually stupid enough to be in them. For instance I know a few redneck typesthat are smarter than any city dweller I have ever met. You can bet your ass that they may be the last of the true survivors in the event of a economic disaster while their counterparts starve to death searching for an appthey thinkmakes food appear out of thin air.
Nobody actually gets any dumber watching any of these programs
I wonder if that's true? (I actually don't know). If someone spends most or all of their free time watching this sort of thing, it also means they are not doing something that could improve (or maintain) their intellectual level.
Actually, I've wondered: are these shows so popular because there are already so many stupid people in the first place -- who therefore watch this sort of garbage? Or are there many "ordinary average people" who watch them and therefore over time become stupid?
BTW, for those who love "The Real Housewives of..." may I highly recommend "Watch What Happens Now Live". ..its the mother of all bizarre TV programming. (On second thought...maybe that title should go to The Jerry Springer Show ! )
And leave it to you to show your disdain for any effort to explain or expand on virtually anything with which you disagree, or, when someone disagrees with you. You have consistently gone directly to the personal insult.
I think you need tocut back onthe lithium treatments. So much effort put into your response tells me that you really need to go out into the real world more often instead of staying glued to a computer keyboard. Good luck!
Talk about "over-analysis"
Before I retired and got all this keyboard time, I provided representation and defense for smart asses who got themselves in trouble for, among other things, talking down to and insulting people with whom they disagreed.
For the record, this was the comment you made to get this dialogue rolling.
If I want a good laugh I watch MSNBC. The constant fiction coming out of them is really funny.
That is an example of snarky, talking down, empty rhetoric.
Snarky = sharply critical; cutting; snide
Empty Rhetoric = consists essentially of hollow words uttered without any attempt to take the action necessary to back them up.
When attacking a source of information, you'd make your case viable by giving specifics rather than launching summary dismissals. The LOL thing is weak and adolescent if it's the crux of what is intended as a serious critique.
But the downside is that if we are successful in getting these kinds of shows off the air then A Mac wouldn't have anything to watch.
You seem to be unable to avoid getting on my case from day one. Can you participate in a debate without one-line quips that lack specifics?
But, to be fair, in "psychoanalyzing" your comment about MSNBC, in fact, I was being unreasonable even though my comment was tongue-in-cheek. I was wrong and I apologize.
That said, you have made your dialogues with me consistently personal and insulting; if you're going to get into political discussions, be prepared to receive opposing opinions and not insult or talk down to those expressing them.
I can hit back and then some but won't throw the first punch (and where I threw one because of our previous encounters, I have apologized).
Keep my name off the board unless you're addressing me directly.
Colleges who have their curriculum approved or changed at the whim of their biggest contributor's who do not always have the best interest of the people at heart when they are bringing foreign engineers and technicians in to work at considerably lower wages. Even better if they can influence the Kids to not attend college. With jobs being shipped overseas and foreign qualified workers being brought in job openings are few and far between. The excuse for not hiring is your unemployed therefore we don't want you is disgusting. Sometimes only willing to hire them in as an entry level even with a bachelors or masters degree. Fascism runs amuck and voters still vote the same idiots back in.
No they don't get dumber but young impressionable children see them as the norm. The Duck Dynasty people are millionaires because of their making duck calls. All that transpired before their current unshaven backward social look. Wonder how many of them could apply for a job and get hired by a major corporation. Some Corporations don't allow facial hair or radical appearance or attire. It is in the hiring paperwork you must sign to be hired.
A Mac I'm sorry your not intelligent enough to see that my statement was very accurate. MSNBC is one of the lowest rated news hacks in the industry while Fox is the highest and has been for more than a decade. More and more people are beginning to leave the liberal progressive propaganda machines because even the libs (the ones that still have a brain cell) can see through the lies and distortions. The tides are changing andpeople are waking up. Did you know the Tea party is now a majority? If you didn't know that then just wait till the mid terms and see what happens. Liberal progressivism is on its last legs. The death rattles are really obvious to those with any intelligence.Too bad real facts are not your specialty. You really need to stop watching those "reality" shows, they cause brain damage.
I accept you apology and I hope you accept mine for what I posted just before I read your comment just above. It is easy to get my hackles up as I come across so many people online that refuse to (or seem to refuse to..) accept what is plainly true. I have been on many different sites and am still on most. after awhile it gets frustrating having to repeat oneself so I vent. You just happened to bein the line of fire. Its nothing really personal as I am sure in the real world you may be a nice guy. Being online we all have our moments. I met a couple of hard core liberal progressives in person and we were able to have a nice conversation. Even though we disagreed on many issues we remained new friends. One is a bar owner and was anti gun, I changed her mind with logic. She now keeps a gun behind the bar for self defense. We find we can win some battles on issues but there will always be a larger war in the long run.
I just removed a comment directed at you before reading yours. Great minds thinking alike possibly.
There are several people here with whom I almost always disagree but I consider them friends. Maybe that's indicative of the possibility that there's hope for humanity -- that there's a middle ground where we can all co-exist.
I only watch TV when my fingers get tired of clicking the mouse. Netflix is free for me. Other TV entertainment is being DVR'd so I don't have to watch the insipid commercials. Most of the programming I watch is educational, the others are for just making me laugh such as "the big bang theory". Other than that I am cleaning my guns, collecting firewood, going to benefit dinners for the childrens hospitals....things of that nature.
All we can do is try to keepthings together for the good of our childrens futures. No sense in venting our frustrations out on each other because in the long run we all want to live from having our lives intruded on by outside sources. Eventually everything is going to come to a head and "POP". In the aftermath of whatever happens we will only have ourselves to blame. It is the next generations that will have to pick up the pieces of what is left.
A Pink Floyd song comes to mind. Right at the end of the movie where the children are cleaning up the aftermath comes to mind.
Outside the Wall (Waters) 1:42
All alone, or in two's, The ones who really love you Walk up and down outside the wall. Some hand in hand And some gathered together in bands. The bleeding hearts and artists Make their stand.
And when they've given you their all Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.
Intodays case the "Wall" is whatthe political elite have put between them andus. (metaphorically speaking of course)
Intodays case the "Wall" is whatthe political elite have put between them andus. (metaphorically speaking of course)
And follow the money trail to that "Wall", which, on the other side, is paved with the gold extracted by hook or by crook from the pockets of those of us who will be blamed by the elite as the "victims of our own lesser abilities, initiatives and resultant lesser means and status."
Now is the time for all goodmen to come to the aid of their country.
I feel the time for actionis drawing near while there is still time. We need to stop quibbling amongst ourselves and unite to stop the destruction the elite have wreaked upon all of us.
Even though I don't have much time left on this rock, I would be more at peace if I knew we helped get things back on the right track.
So many distractions from the mediaare grinding all of us down in a war against each other and we need to focus on what is important for the future of our offspring as well as our nation.
The author of this article forgot the utter nightmares of Guntucky and Kentucky Wildman. It appears that not only does one need untrimmed facial hair and no brain, but one must also be without teeth.
I've met a lot of people out and about in the state, and have managed to have a conversation with almost everyone I've met and spent time with. I've never met anyone like the yahoos portrayed in these reality shows.
The values depicted in most of these shows are absolutely sick. It proves the old adage that having money does not necessarily confer Class, and visa versa.
Which came first, gullible knotheads or TV shows that pander to them? It is a sad commentary that there's clearly a vast market for assinine television--- Jerry Springer demonstrated that. I think people watch garbage like Springer 'cause it makes them feel superior: 'I may be a fool but at least I don't do shit like that ..." 'Duck' allows any Fundacon with a beard to cherish the illusion that they, too, could become an 'eccentric' millionaire. Garbage like 'The Apprentice' and 'Kardashians' celebrate the power of money and fame-- those folks may be tempermental pricks or egocentric airheads, but hey... they got style !!
The first reference to the so-called dumbing of America came from Ralph Waldo Emerson
around 1838!
And look how far we've come since then, making "stupidity" an industry with so many customers.
Hey Pat, how are you?
Agree with you J4T - anybody that thinks those fat butted, fat lipped, overly endowed, plastic enhanced Kasmardian women are what real life is about - ya gotta be on some serious drugs.
It seems that many a fan of reality SHOWS, has an otherwise thin grasp of REALITY itself.
Anyone else see that?
Who owns TV channels?
General Electric
Time Warner
The Walt Disney Company
News Corporation
All those hundreds of TV channels may lead you that there's a true diversity and variety in today's television ... but you'd be wrong. A handful of large companies control what you see, hear, and read every day.
Let's take a look at who owns what on television - here are the TV channels owned by 6 of the largest companies in media, as depicted by their logos:
General Electric is a true behemoth: the conglomerate is the world's third largest company with market capitalization of nearly $370 billion and annual revenue of $173 billion ( 2007 ). The company produces practically everything - from aircraft engine to locomotives to medical devices.
GE's media holding includes television networks NBC and Telemundo, 27 television stations in the United States and many cable TV networks, including the History Channel, A&E, and Sci Fi Channel. It also owns the popular web-based TV website Hulu.
Update 7/8/08: A&E is co-owned by The Hearst Corporation and ABC, which in turn is owned by Disney.
Time Warner is the world's largest media and entertainment company - it owns major operations in film, TV, print, Internet, and telecommunications. Time Warner has an annual revenue of $50.5 billion ( 2008 ) - the equivalent of the entire GDP of Luxembourg.
Like cartoons? Time Warner's got you covered with Cartoon Network and Adult Swim. Classic movies? Check (Turner Classic Movies). And who can forget CNN and Headline News? Both are Time Warner properties. (Note: CW is co-owned by Time Warner and CBS).
You may associate it with amusement parks, but The Walt Disney Company has grown to be one of the world's largest media and entertainment corporation since its founding as an animation studio by brothers Walt and Roy Disney in 1923.
The Walt Disney Company owns the ABC television network, with more 200 affiliated stations reaching nearly 100% of all U.S. television market, as well as dozens of niche cable networks. True to its cartoon animation origin, Disney captures its viewers early - it counts millions of young children as its audience with kids channels like the Disney Channel.
Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation is a behemoth: it is the largest media company in the world by market capitalization ($38 billion). For most people, the conservative news channel Fox comes foremost to mind when asked what they think of Murdoch's media empire - but the company's holding is far larger: it includes Asia's Star TV Network, the National Geographic Channel and even the iconic TV Guide network.
Don't watch TV? Even if you prefer to browse the Internet, most likely you've visited News Corp's property, which include Hulu (owned in partnership with GE through its subsidiary NBC Universal) and the social networking giant MySpace.
CBS (which used to stand for the Columbia Broadcasting System) is not sometimes called the Tiffany Network for nothing: the company is known for its high programming quality. It is currently the most watched television network in the United States, and reached more than 103 million homes in the country.
Both CBS and Viacom (see below) are owned by multi-billionaire Sumner "content is king" Redstone, through his holding company National Amusements.
Viacom stands for "Video and Audio Communication" - and true to that name, the company owns a large number of cable and satellite television networks (the company was split from CBS Corporation in 2005, though both have the same majority owner).
In 2007, Viacom filed a $1 billion lawsuit against Google and YouTube for copyright infringement and recently a federal judge granted Viacom's request for data of all YouTube users. The blogosphere has since called for a boycott of all Viacom properties - so that means no MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon or - gasp - Comedy Central for you!
By the way, if the rationale for the moronic, insensitive statements of one of the "ducks" is free speech
Don't chip yer teeth on the vibrators boys.
(Will remove upon request)
It's all about SUPPLY and DUMBand.
Yeah. My bad. WTF was I thinking when offering friends the opportunity to have removed, something that might offend them?
Would you prefer a more original ass-whoopin' -- I'm quite capable that way. What are you really pissed about; I'm thinking that it may be because of my going after a redneck-hatespeaker."
I have freedoms too ya' know. Ain't that some ironic stuff?
But what you can't seem to see are the limits to the right to freedom of expression. So, allow me to copy and paste them for your edification.
Here's something I find interesting (if not hypocritical); many of the same folks vehemently defending Daffy "Duck's right to be offensive, object to BOTH HIS SUSPENSION AND TO UNIONS (one of which may have been able to negotiate down his employer-imposed punishment and asking that "progressive discipline" be implemented rather than suspension -- assuming this was a first offense).
Hi Amac, I'm doing well, how are you ? Merry Christmas!
At least American Pickers doesn't glorify stupidity or celebrity.
What concerns me is that we seem to be racing to the bottom culturally and intellectually in this country. Outside of money why are these huge corporations advocating this ?
Hey Dowser, how are you, my friend ?
I'm the author and I didn't list all the reality shows. There's quite a few. :/
Merry Christmas!
I'm all right; Merry Christmas to you as well.
It's never to late to self-educate.
Great article Pat and spot on. I've been saying this for a while. If it isn't dumb, the American attention span is about 5 minutes. Net results can be seen on "Jay Walking"
Indeed, I referred to them as "SCHMUCKS"
Go check the articles I've posted.
And, when I oppose someone else's opinions, I always tell my reasons and back them with corroborative opinions from a number of sources. That's the same as expressing my opinion on a given issue.
It's also known as disagreement and the part where I explain why I disagree is called the debate part.
And in my own words, I've been responding to yours.
And I'm going to stop commenting because this is starting to move towards bad feelings and I hold none towards you, Mike.
I will, Robert G, despite the fact that you tend to be a recalcitrant pupil.
Net results can also be seen on "Newstalkers" when it comes to remaining on topic.
Just sayin....(present company excluded)
This is apparently your day to come after me, Mike.
I'll mail you your change.
I tried to end the pissin' contest, Mike, but, continue if you must.
Robert G and I have been going at this for a long time. We've accepted our adversarial relationship and dish it out freely to one another; he's more than capable of verbally kicking my ass and doesn't need representation.
Funny that you haven't admonished (warned or reprimand someone firmly) him as well.
Spot on. It's all about economics and an extremely ignorant American audience.
For quality reality television check out Outside television its all Kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, mountain climbing and mountain biking. It doesn't get any more real than that.
Outside television link.
Indeed Mike; I have become more strident in responding to particular comments and at one point stated that "the gloves are off".
If you're interested, you'll look back and see the kinds of comments upon which I've come down hard -- they are the hateful, bigoted ones in particular -- most of which have been debunked many times but die hard (if any) deaths.
Often I will identify the source of such lies along with the facts -- but never seem to get an, "Oh, I didn't know, thanks for clearing that up" response.
And then the lie is nevertheless reiterated.
To those who wish to be the carriers and proponents of orchestrated lie and hate campaigns -- I say, "live by the sword, etc.". I never attack the messenger unless I first attack the message, and, I don't hesitate to hit back if hit first.
Regardless of which opinion I might challenge, it's my consistent practice to both back up my opposing opinion and invite equally specific rebuttals.
On the other hand, I am a pain-in-the-ass; but even pompous, pains-in-the-ass need love.
I fully understand why some find me abrasive in my expressions at times; however, those whom I represented back-in-the-day appreciated the grit, knew I would defend them zealously, would be well-armed with a paper trail and make any plaintiff put up or shut up.
I appreciate your (is it copied-and-pasted?
) peace symbol.
Peace to you as well.
YOU did a wonderful job! There are likely too many to list!!!
Take care, dear Pat and have a wonderful Christmas!
Yeah, like those "takers" in the 47% who TF do those laid-off, foreclosed upon, discriminated against, minority, victims-of-institutionalized-discrimination MF's think they are?
RIGHT ON! Robert G.
Again Mike,
You apparently don't know the history between Robert G and myself. There are times when we overtly punch and counter punch, read-between-the-lines and comment in kind, quip, mock and every now ant the, just dialogue on topic.
Robert's comment, IMO, was an oblique reference to what he thinks about me a well-constructed, articulate smack down.
We do it to one another almost every day (sometimes more than once-a-day). Robert's a sharp guy and can insult with the best of them. While it often appears that I dislike him, I do not.
Speaking only for myself
I'm glad I've not watched any of these programs and therefore have avoided being dumbed down.
Before the beards! New photo reveals Duck Dynasty stars prior to their fame... as fresh faced and clean cut young men
Did you not write in response to this
The following
All I did was post a picture showing them without beards before the Duck Dynasty show started. How long before doesn't seem to be at issue. They did hunting shows with the beards prior to doing Duck Dynasty.
Before>After. That's all.
Am I missing something?
The mom is also clean-shaven.
BTW" target="_blank"> ...
Willie Robertson: Duck Dynasty CEO's appearance at Christian fundraising event cancelled after Duck Commander's wine collaboration
I dig the values here; defend gay bashing and racist commentary but "wine," whole 'nother deal, man -- you ain't speakin' at my church!
And I corroborated that -- they did hunting shows with the beards.
I corroborated that after Bruce clarified for me.
Duck Dynasty was originally started to put hillbillies in a bad light by stereotyping. A&E fugged up. Turns out these folks went #1 because more Americans related with them, their family valuesand their religious perspective. The other shows are pretty much responsible for a national brain damage crisis. Its not just the shows its the advertisements. some are so condescending I want to throw my remote at the screen. Good thing I have a DVR. Now I record what I want and zip past the idiotic ads.
I don't watch reality shows as I know most of them are staged bigtime.
Is c span considered a reality show?
This thread is so off base it isn't even funny. People watch television shows for their entertainment value period. Nobody actually gets any dumber watching any of these programs and they're not any worse than most other shows from the past. It's actually ridiculous to assume that anyone who watches these shows is somehow affected by it other than the entertainment they get out of them.
Television has always been the way it is. The vast majority of shows to ever be on TV could be lumped in right along side the shows you are criticizing. A lot of shows from the past were much more stereotypical and even racist. Shows that most of you probably grew up with.
Even the most highly rated network shows such as CSI are just as bad. Use highly inflammatory stories from real life and work them into a cop show where all crimes are magically solved with some off the wall and even illegal methods. Yeah that's making America smarter.
TV is a brief escape from real life where people unwind and get entertained, not some evil brainwashing device making everyone dumber. If you don't like the shows that are providing entertainment to enough Americans to keep them on the air then don't watch them. With all the channels out there I'm sure you can find something that you feel is acceptable.
For some, it's a place to obtain misinformation and then live and swear by it.
Seven Surveys Make A Trend For Fox And Viewers
I don't think people are watching Duck Dynasty to be updated on foreign affairs Mac. We're talking about entertainment shows but you already know that.
Unfortunately, some "celebrities" exploit their celebrity and foist there political and religious views and their so-called "values" on their fans, some of whom just suck it up without thinking. This happens on both sides of the ideological/political street but, IMHO, when it comes from the Right, it's more likely to be hateful than solicitous.
But be aware, the reason for my first comment was in response to this comment of yours:
Not everyone watches for "entertainment" and some folks, in fact, get dumber (or remain dumb/ignorant) by regularly watching and listening to propaganda and veiled hate speak shows and audience-ascribed demigods.
There are times when Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or some other demagogue-jockey will say something and shortly thereafter it appears on every right-wing blog and here on NT.
Don't get me wrong; both major political parties have their parrots. And some people get pissed at me any time I offer a specific counter-argument to one of their parrot-posts. At times I will ask a question that forces folks to, as it is said, "think outside the box." There are one or two who regularly will post thoughtful answers/rebuttals -- I have great respect for them and friend them. But there are others who, rather than thoughtfully attacking the message, will instead, attack me personally -- the so-called messenger.
"The dumbing of America" is not a recent observation, Ralph Waldo Emerson penned the first version in
c. 1838!
I watch a lot of C-SPAN for the entertainment value. If you want to see a bunch of full-of-themselves dummies spouting mostly inane nonsense, this is the place to go. No commercials either. I especially love the public bureaucrats being grilled by Congressional committees. Their most common responses are:
1. I don't recall.
2. I'll have to get back to you on that.
3. Please repeat the question.
While I agree with what you are saying, I don't think that has anything to do with Pat's article. What I was commenting on was within the context of reality shows.
A show like Duck Dynasty is popular because it's funny. Sure there's stereotyping going on but the show is based around the cast and the hijinks that ensue each episode.Their humor might not be for everyone but it's funny enough to be a very popular show. A show like Duck Dynasty is no different than a show like Friends or The Big Bang Theory. It's a comedy.
Are you saying what's shown on tv does not influence people ?
Are you saying that what's shown on TV today is any worse than what's been being shown on it since its creation?
Have any soap operas influenced you Pat?
The shows may be comedic, but when one of the "comedians" steps out of character and uses his popularity as such to make public, hateful, biased editorial comments, he has left the world of, in this case, comedic "reality" shows and stepped over into actual reality and potentially reinforces some of the ugliest aspects of reality.
As for,
Putting certain phenomena in a kind of "box" and trying to stay in that narrow space, in effect ignores the possible residual fall out and wrongly assumes that both scripts and those performing the scripts have no significant potential outside of the medium.
Discussions evolve, Dan and that's because thoughts evolve as well.
No one has taken a position regarding "better" or "worse" -- it's the influence of show-related content or personalities that result in "dumbing down," smartening up, or, leaving audiences wherever they were before watching.
Did "All in the Family" influence you, Dan? Some shows influence positively, some negatively and some are so totally worthless, they're cancelled.
You kind of lost me here. I'm trying to stay within the context of the article. Are you saying that Phil Robertson's comments will be taken to heart by his viewers and they'll change their views on the subjects he discussed and that in turn makes them dumber? Anyone that thinks the way he does already thought that way. I doubt many people will change their views on the subjects he discussed because of what he said or because of who he is.
I'm saying that he will reinforce the views of some, intensify them in some instances, "validating" the worst sentiments for many. Look at what happened with Cracker Barrel; initially, stores removed the Duck Dynasty items because many found Robertson's comments hateful and offensive.
After some 100,000 customers squawked, either because they felt Robertson's comments were First Amendment-protected, or, they agreed with him, Cracker Barrel put the items back on their shelves.
How's that for "taken to heart" -- one way or the other? What if some impressionable child or adolescent had no opinion one-way-or-the-other regarding gays and blacks, but liked Robertson, then decided to parrot Robertson's comments -- role model thing. And a dumbing down in such a scenario.
If you don't think entertainers and athletes (like the one's on steroids) don't say and do things that dumb down the impressionable, I believe you should re-think it.
I'll acknowledge your point if you agree that your overstating it a little. If that type of thing happens then the child or adolescent isn't being raised properly. You can't let the TV be the babysitter. What kids or adolescents watch on TV should also be monitored so if what you state happens, it's just as much the fault of the parent as it is the athlete or entertainer.
Thanks for the discussion Mac. I don't spend much time online over the weekend so we'll meet up on the next one.
A child can be raised "properly" but, because children, adolescents and all of us make mistakes and errors in judgement, there are no guarantees. Consider if you will, the billions spent on advertising every year. How many of us are "persuaded" based on buy what we don't need, try and look the way we are 'sold on" as THE LOOK, etc. .
Many a properly-raised child is influenced by peers, propaganda and much of that propaganda comes from, among other sources television.
This has been a good conversation; I look forward to others. Dan.
I don't watch soaps but I think constant exposure to shows that seem to glorify stupidity or celebrity of non-achievers is bound to have influence on the masses that consume this dreck.
I should have read your reply first. Sorry. Took my reply away yours was better anyway'
Ya Think?
You nailed it jwc2blue .
Nor have I watched any of them. Closest is the gals that do the cross country N to S yard sale trip.
What gets me flustered are the commercials. They are very condescending. I use my DVR and pause the show to bank the time so I can skip the commercials. What bugs me even more is the repetition of said commercials over and over. Some commercials are outright deceptive like the ambulance chaser ones that want you to join in lawsuits against bad drugs. the only winners are the lawyers. From experience my stepfather joined in on one of those and got a whopping $1.26 for his efforts. No non-lawyer wins in the long run as that drives the cost of medical through the roof. When are people going to wake up?
If I want a good laugh I watch MSNBC. The constant fiction coming out of them is really funny.
Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction and, if one is not used to it, one laughs nervously out of shock and awe.
It's somewhat analogous to the phenomenon known colloquially as "Whistling past the graveyard".
To avoid moments like these
Continue watching Fox.
No charge for this diagnosis it's pro bono.
A Mac. Leave it to you to overanalyze a simple factualcomment. Is your egoso bloated that you think you can psychoanalyze how a person thinks by one truthful comment?
I think you need tocut back onthe lithium treatments. So much effort put into your response tells me that you really need to go out into the real world more often instead of staying glued to a computer keyboard. Good luck!
Unfortunately most of television programming these days is designed to dumb down those who watch them. The best we can do to stop this is to not tune in to them. Shows like honey Boo Boo, Myrtle Mansion, Kardashians, Real wives of wherever? I feel sorry for the ones who watch these kinds of programs. I prefer the science channel.
But the downside is that if we are successful in getting these kinds of shows off the air then A Mac wouldn't have anything to watch.
Reality shows only perpetuate the stereotyping of people that are actually stupid enough to be in them. For instance I know a few redneck typesthat are smarter than any city dweller I have ever met. You can bet your ass that they may be the last of the true survivors in the event of a economic disaster while their counterparts starve to death searching for an appthey thinkmakes food appear out of thin air.
I wonder if that's true? (I actually don't know). If someone spends most or all of their free time watching this sort of thing, it also means they are not doing something that could improve (or maintain) their intellectual level.
Actually, I've wondered: are these shows so popular because there are already so many stupid people in the first place -- who therefore watch this sort of garbage? Or are there many "ordinary average people" who watch them and therefore over time become stupid?
BTW, for those who love "The Real Housewives of..." may I highly recommend "Watch What Happens Now Live". ..its the mother of all bizarre TV programming. (On second thought...maybe that title should go to The Jerry Springer Show !
Has anyone here ever watched either of these?
And leave it to you to show your disdain for any effort to explain or expand on virtually anything with which you disagree, or, when someone disagrees with you. You have consistently gone directly to the personal insult.
Talk about "over-analysis"
Before I retired and got all this keyboard time, I provided representation and defense for smart asses who got themselves in trouble for, among other things, talking down to and insulting people with whom they disagreed.
For the record, this was the comment you made to get this dialogue rolling.
That is an example of snarky, talking down, empty rhetoric.
When attacking a source of information, you'd make your case viable by giving specifics rather than launching summary dismissals. The LOL thing is weak and adolescent if it's the crux of what is intended as a serious critique.
Lookin' forward to next time.
You seem to be unable to avoid getting on my case from day one. Can you participate in a debate without one-line quips that lack specifics?
But, to be fair, in "psychoanalyzing" your comment about MSNBC, in fact, I was being unreasonable even though my comment was tongue-in-cheek. I was wrong and I apologize.
That said, you have made your dialogues with me consistently personal and insulting; if you're going to get into political discussions, be prepared to receive opposing opinions and not insult or talk down to those expressing them.
I can hit back and then some but won't throw the first punch (and where I threw one because of our previous encounters, I have apologized).
Keep my name off the board unless you're addressing me directly.
Colleges who have their curriculum approved or changed at the whim of their biggest contributor's who do not always have the best interest of the people at heart when they are bringing foreign engineers and technicians in to work at considerably lower wages. Even better if they can influence the Kids to not attend college. With jobs being shipped overseas and foreign qualified workers being brought in job openings are few and far between. The excuse for not hiring is your unemployed therefore we don't want you is disgusting. Sometimes only willing to hire them in as an entry level even with a bachelors or masters degree. Fascism runs amuck and voters still vote the same idiots back in.
No they don't get dumber but young impressionable children see them as the norm. The Duck Dynasty people are millionaires because of their making duck calls. All that transpired before their current unshaven backward social look. Wonder how many of them could apply for a job and get hired by a major corporation. Some Corporations don't allow facial hair or radical appearance or attire. It is in the hiring paperwork you must sign to be hired.
A Mac I'm sorry your not intelligent enough to see that my statement was very accurate. MSNBC is one of the lowest rated news hacks in the industry while Fox is the highest and has been for more than a decade. More and more people are beginning to leave the liberal progressive propaganda machines because even the libs (the ones that still have a brain cell) can see through the lies and distortions. The tides are changing andpeople are waking up. Did you know the Tea party is now a majority? If you didn't know that then just wait till the mid terms and see what happens. Liberal progressivism is on its last legs. The death rattles are really obvious to those with any intelligence.Too bad real facts are not your specialty. You really need to stop watching those "reality" shows, they cause brain damage.
I stopped watching C-span for that exact reason. We never get any straight answers. Political doublespeak abounds.
I accept you apology and I hope you accept mine for what I posted just before I read your comment just above. It is easy to get my hackles up as I come across so many people online that refuse to (or seem to refuse to..) accept what is plainly true. I have been on many different sites and am still on most. after awhile it gets frustrating having to repeat oneself so I vent. You just happened to bein the line of fire. Its nothing really personal as I am sure in the real world you may be a nice guy. Being online we all have our moments. I met a couple of hard core liberal progressives in person and we were able to have a nice conversation. Even though we disagreed on many issues we remained new friends. One is a bar owner and was anti gun, I changed her mind with logic. She now keeps a gun behind the bar for self defense. We find we can win some battles on issues but there will always be a larger war in the long run.
Just curious-- what are you basing that assumption on?
As of January 2 of this year, I no longer get cable TV. I have alternatives that are either free or much cheaper if I so desire.
Peace it is, Krakkin.
I just removed a comment directed at you before reading yours. Great minds thinking alike possibly.
There are several people here with whom I almost always disagree but I consider them friends. Maybe that's indicative of the possibility that there's hope for humanity -- that there's a middle ground where we can all co-exist.
I only watch TV when my fingers get tired of clicking the mouse. Netflix is free for me. Other TV entertainment is being DVR'd so I don't have to watch the insipid commercials. Most of the programming I watch is educational, the others are for just making me laugh such as "the big bang theory". Other than that I am cleaning my guns, collecting firewood, going to benefit dinners for the childrens hospitals....things of that nature.
All we can do is try to keepthings together for the good of our childrens futures. No sense in venting our frustrations out on each other because in the long run we all want to live from having our lives intruded on by outside sources. Eventually everything is going to come to a head and "POP". In the aftermath of whatever happens we will only have ourselves to blame. It is the next generations that will have to pick up the pieces of what is left.
A Pink Floyd song comes to mind. Right at the end of the movie where the children are cleaning up the aftermath comes to mind.
Outside the Wall (Waters) 1:42
All alone, or in two's,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.
Intodays case the "Wall" is whatthe political elite have put between them andus. (metaphorically speaking of course)
And follow the money trail to that "Wall", which, on the other side, is paved with the gold extracted by hook or by crook from the pockets of those of us who will be blamed by the elite as the "victims of our own lesser abilities, initiatives and resultant lesser means and status."
Well-stated, Krakkin.
Very Astute. A Mac.
Do you remember typing class?
Now is the time for all goodmen to come to the aid of their country.
I feel the time for actionis drawing near while there is still time. We need to stop quibbling amongst ourselves and unite to stop the destruction the elite have wreaked upon all of us.
Even though I don't have much time left on this rock, I would be more at peace if I knew we helped get things back on the right track.
So many distractions from the mediaare grinding all of us down in a war against each other and we need to focus on what is important for the future of our offspring as well as our nation.