Marijuana-smoking Mountie stirs the pot in Canada
Category: Mental Health and Wellness
Via: buzz-of-the-orient • 12 years ago • 10 commentsMarijuana-smoking Mountie stirs the pot in Canada
AFP, Yahoo News (no identified author), November 28, 2013
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) AFP Photo/Carl Court
Ottawa (AFP) - A Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer with a medical marijuana prescription for job-related stress provoked a national debate Thursday over whether he should be allowed to smoke in uniform.
He told Canada's public broadcaster CBC that he should be allowed to smoke joints while in uniform, but received a cool response from his bosses who fear tarnishing the RCMP's image.
Reactions poured in from across Canada both in support and against the corporal's plea, including from Attorney General Peter MacKay who said it would "set a very poor example for Canadians."
Cannabis advocates meanwhile said the case underscores the need for employers to better understand medical marijuana use.
Health Canada established regulations for accessing cannabis for medical purposes in 2001 after the courts struck down a broad prohibition of marijuana.
But it remains controversial.
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The last line of the article had me rolling on the floor:
As if once he's wiped out on weed he's going to become a maniacal mass murderer.
By the way, the irony here is that the RCMP is Canada's DEA.
In the comments posted on the Yahoo News site for this article, almost all of which were positive about legalization was this one that I thumbed up:
I agree with that guy 100%
If it were not for the alcohol/drug/tobacco lobbies and the privately owned prisons fighting legalization tooth-and-nail MJ could have been legal years ago.
I should have bought that farm in Killaloe.
Don't Canadians know how to make edibles?
Colorado. The time is NOW.
Would you be talking about brownies? Alice B.Toklas?
Brownies, cookies, or just put the butter on your pasta, bread, whatever. "You can get anything you want...."
OMG, Sargent Preston of the Yukon is a pothead...I hope King doesn't fall prey to MJ
I would suggest that technology can come to the rescue here . The corporal could utilize a vapor [smokeless] delivery system . That way he could get the benefits of the drug w/o smelling like a pothead ... Alice's restaurant.