Via: a-macarthur • 12 years ago • 7 comments
It's happening earlier than in recent years -- the appearance of Fall Colors that is . This subject lends itself quite well to poster/framing print art.
So-far-so-good and hoping for more in the weeks to come.
Here's an interesting map to show the progression of colors in Pennsylvania; I'll get my Fall, 2013 photos in the Central and Southern Zones -- that gives me 2-3 more weeks of opportunities!
Enjoy the season.
Beautiful photos Mac, I love them all.
Nothing here in the Ozarks is changing color yet. Still to early for us.
Absolutely beautiful pictures A Mac! Thanks for being here and giving us this beauty.
Back to the woods and streams --
Here's an interesting map to show the progression of colors in Pennsylvania; I'll get my Fall, 2013 photos in the Central and Southern Zones -- that gives me 2-3 more weeks of opportunities!
OH, these are lovely, A Mac! Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful miracles with us!
The pleasure is mine.