A Dog Day Morning
Hi, my name is Wiki. My real full name is, Wikiup Warrior Wonder Wiener.
My human person has a friend that calls me, Hebrew National, she answers to a higher authority.
I was up at 7:30am this morning, and my sister Annie,slept in until 7:45am.
Our human people took us for a one mile walk in the mountains. That was tiring since my legs are only three inches long.
After our walk we had breakfast, which was pretty good, but we didn't get any bacon this morning. (Wiki makes note to self, demand bacon tomorrow morning).
After breakfast we ran amuck in the house for awhile. I love it when my human tries to get me out from underneath the table. Being height challenged does have it advantages.
I have steps that I can use to get me up on my leather couch. Well here I am, yup, that's me looking at you in the photo.
Now, the question is, what do I do until our afternoon walk. I can lay here on my leather couch for hours pondering that question.
That's the answer, I lay here pondering the question, get a little shut eye, around 1pm, Annie and I will get our ''greenie''.
Well folks, I'm off pondering for the next couple of hours.
Hope you all have a great dog day.
Yes, she does run the house.
What's one mile in dog miles, I wonder.
A beautiful and aristocraticmistress of the manor!
We had a cat (Toby) for nearly 17 years that completely controlled our home lives, but graciously permitted us to live rent free in her house.
She has been gone 5 plus years and we still talk about her as if she is in the other room
Robert, she does believe that she is a Princess.
They really do become part of the family. Sometime I think more like the crazy uncle we keep in the basement.
For a mini-doxie I would say about 10 miles Hal.
hehehehe, Wiki resembles that remark Hopa. She does her exercise with a religious passion.
Wiki, did you fall of the couch?
Please RW, don't encourage her. She already thinks that she's a Princess.
Or known as the ''Big woubleuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu''.
I think that it's time for another kitty. Wally just told me so!
Beautiful dog Kavika; love dachshunds and we always had one or two when I was a kid. Funny story...my Grandma had many over the years and she named every single one of them Heidi. Yup, there were like 17 Heidis or something like that!
I hope that they were all female Larry...
I love the doxie's. They are special little animals.
What a cutie your Wiki is! I happen to love dachshunds. They are little dogs with big attitude and are a lot of fun...
And I can tell from what Wiki runs the house! Of course! How could you say no to that face.
But you better get bacon for Wiki tomorrow!
What Wiki doesn't control, Annie does...LOL..I'm in a no win situation.
A Hitler mustache...LMAO
That wouldn't have been nice Justice...
Happy to hear that Justice, it will keep you on your toes.
hahaha, I don't have that worry. Wiki is height challenged. Now Annie is another story.
Amos and Rocky are not allowed in the house. (wife's rules, not mine). Amos is an Armdillo that lives under our front deck and Rocky is a groundhog that has a burrow at the top of our driveway...I know, it's a zoo and that isn't all of them.
Here is a site devoted to "kitlers" :
petey, now I've seen it all...
I don't know why there isn't a focused site just for weiner dogs ... do you ?
No I don't Petey. There are always in the top ten list of the most popular dogs in American.
Here is a video that you'll enjoy.
I think I had a dog day yesterday. I received a sad email from my daughter that one of my granddogs (her dogs) just passed away from pancreatic cancer. His name was Cammie, a twin of his brother Cody who will miss him more than we know. Before I left Canada, I spent much time dogsitting (had to dogsit because when my daughter first adopted them we left them alone in the house and returned to find a $3000 couch set torn to shreds). However I learned to love those guys notwithstanding. Anyway, a sad day - a dog day. Here is Cammie as he then was:
So sorry to hear that he walked on Buzz.
They become so darn close to you, that they are like your children.
Yup RW, you have to keep your eye on her..She's a guard dog as well.
Wait, Annie is the guard dog, Wiki is the noise maker.
That's true RW. We have royalty, a body guard, Court Jester (Rocky) and a Friar, that's Amos.
That was cute ...
Just for grins I entered into my browser . Here is what I got back :
So there actually is such a site . Apparently one needs to have a subaddress to enter it . The possible wonders that are there ...
Glad you enjoyed the video, cute as heck.
''Forbidden'', oh no....
That he does RW. Amos is an enigma, but dangerous.
Princesses can be upgraded to Queens - maybe it is time for a promotion? It will make up for the lack of bacon for that breakfast
I have one with that mustache. Her name is Psycho
I had one when my daughter was growing up. Best dog for kids
My pooch died of an auto-immune disease a long time ago; never had the heart to get another.
What a handsome dog Mac. It's difficult to get over it when one walks on.