Meow … Sort Of.
a long-tailed American songbird of the mockingbird family, with mainly dark gray or black plumage and catlike calls. Two genera and species, family Mimidae , in particular the gray catbird ( Dumetella carolinensis) of North America.
"Mimidae" - as in a family of birds that mimics other birds and animals. This bird indeed has a call that sounds like a cat!
This particular Catbird has been nesting in the woods behind my backyard for years. He is the star of my latest poster image.
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All Rights Reserved/A. Mac
Things aren't always what they sound.
I don't believe that I've ever heard one Mac. Thanks for the photo and information.
Cool critter ! It appears from the photo that everything about this bird is blue ... even his eyes .
They even scratch themselves -- just a bit differently from cats though; f'rinstance