What’s in a name?
Whats in a name?
Juliet: "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2) (William Shakespeare)
For those not familiar with why these words were spoken by Juliet, there was a blood feud between her family and that of Romeo, yet these star-crossed lovers ignored the consequences of ignoring their adversarial surnames and the feelings of the two families.
Whats in a name? There are two sides to this. One is that no matter what name we give to a person or thing the person or thing is still the same. The other is that a change in name can indicate a change in meaning or philosophy. A name change can be caused by someone for him/herself, or by another. That, too, could make a difference. Due to self-realization or need a person can change their own name, whereas a name change by another would include that other persons perception, and thereby perhaps not so accurately designate the principal.
What I am I leading to here? Over the many years wherein I had been a member of NV, and now as a member of NT, my nom de plume has consistently remained the same: Buzz of the Orient. Because of where I am located, and the possible consequences of saying what could antagonize the powers that be, I thought it wise to never reveal my real name. (Buzzy, then Buzz has in fact been my nickname since I was a young child.) Many members have been consistent in what name they use, but there are others who from time to time or even frequently change their name, their avatar, and for what purpose? If one has a name that indicates a type of loyalty or philosophy and that loyalty or philosophy changes, it is understandable but hopefully one is not so scatter-brained that that would be the reason for frequent changes, but would be a considered decision.
What is bound to follow is confusion among the members. Consistency is valued, and inconsistency becomes suspect of a confused state at best or trolling at worst. Avatars, however, are not so important as long as a name remains consistent. For example, from time to time I have changed my avatar, but not often, and for a specific purpose in mind. In the beginning, as a teacher I used this avatar:
Why a monkey? Well, I was thinking of the Muslim propaganda that Jews are descended from apes and swine, and it was to thumb my nose at believers of that lie. When I saw the expression Zionist Poodles I used an avatar of a dog wearing a Jewish symbol, but that was only for a short time. Since I highly admired Emile Zola because of his pursuit of justice in his newspaper article Jaccuse that eventually led to the freeing of the framed Alfred Drefuss mostly because of Zolas consistently writing under the headline The truth is on the march, and nothing shall stop it, I used the picture of Zola as my avatar and the line as my motto particularly because I was constantly jousting with Israel-bashers. But there was never a change in my identity. It has been the same with me here on NT. If I recall I may have used the monkey teacher avatar at first, then a caricature followed by a photo of me as a little boy, but they were experimental and temporary only. I then decided to go all the way with a photo consistent with my life and my nom de plume, and have since that time used as an avatar a photo of my new wife and myself in traditional Chinese wedding attire.
However, never have I changed my name. I have always been and will remain Buzz of the Orient. I chose that because, as a movie buff, I always liked the sound of the title: Lawrence of Arabia and thought that it spoke of where he was and what he believed in. So with this article I am asking you to tell us why you are consistent, or inconsistent, with your names and avatars. What is your intent?
I would like to hear from you, Krishna, on this topic (and everyone else who may be interested).
Good article.
Most of the good folks here don't remember that when the site was started, you had to use an actual picture of yourself and your name. Then we loosened the deal, to pick either the actual picture or the actual name. Some how it just evolved out... or wasn't put into the CoC? IDK?
I have always gone by my actual picture and my actual name. And since the feds know who I am, who am I fooling, LOL! But really, I don't mind being me.
Now Krish is a whole different tale!
I believe that for reasons that are indicated in the article I would not do that, so I guess you let me get away with it, since I was among the pioneers on NT, both at grouply and ning.However, I did use a caricature of myself and a photo of me as a young child - so in that respect I "sort of" complied with the requirement. As well, as I said above, "Buzz" is actually the name that my friends and family knew to the extent that some never even knew my real given name, and now as you have seen, the photo really is a photo of myself, although almost 5 years old.
I've been Kavika on both nv and nt. It's a bit different, so I generally don't get mixed up with someone else. Translated, Kavika is a Hebrew namemeaning ''beloved''. The avatar photo has only been changed once, to what it is today.It's a painting entitled ''Broken Promises''. Self explanatory.
I was going to use Animikee Zaagijiwan but I figured that everyone would be completely befuddled by it.
Are you sure "Kavika" is Hebrew for "beloved"? I think that "beloved" translates closer to "Ahove", but there are others on this site who may be bilingual and can verify it.
I should have clearer on that. When Kavika is translated into English it means David, which means ''beloved'' per a close friend that is Jewish and bilingual.
Even if he is incorrect, I'll stick with ''beloved'', fits my personality.
Good morning Buzz, or good evening in your time zone.
BTW, I like your avatar and name...Buzz translates into Ojibwe as ''one who is wise''..It's true, I don't speak with forked tongue...Just kidding Buzz, but if it did translate in Ojibwe, that is what it would mean.
The intent of my screen name is pure irony - an atheist named hallelujah. Internet anonymity is an imperative, in my book. Unpopular opinions, colorful language andprovocative discussion, in conjunction with your actual name and/or actual photo, can come back to haunt you. Best to not have that as a chink inthe armor.
If you are so mentally weak as to be offended by something a total stranger has to way on the internet, then perhaps it is you who has the problem. Go ahead, call me anything that makes you feel superior - it will end up eating you up far more that it will me.
Clearly my avatar and screen name speaks to my love of Billy Joel! I chose Uptown for two reasons...the Billy Joel connection and I just happened to be living in a community called Uptown! Tried to make it UptownGirl but that was back on the msn boards and it wouldn't let me so I went with the Chick! Along the way I was given the nickname Uppy because the poster that gave it to me said Uptown was too formal! Then it evolved into Uppity or Uppity One...someone told me if the shoe fits, wear it! LOL...any way it's grown on me and I wouldn't even think of changing my screen name!
Great idea for an article, Buzz! I've often wondered where people get their names from
I was primarily referring to the myriad of stories circulating the internet regarding how people have lost their jobs, or been denied jobs,opportunities, etc. over something they have publiclyposted on the internet. I have no sympathy for these people. Stay anonymous and you don't have to worry about that.
As far as respect goes, it seems like some people'sdefinition of respect is tonever question their opinion. That's an extremely poor definition. For instance, if your opinions are laced with thinly veiled racism, then expect to be called out on it.
We both love Billy! Yea! You are the Uptown Girl!
I have been pokermik since my first email account back in 1991 and had to drop the "e" in mike as it was already taken. The poker comes from my early life as a poker dealer in Vegas and California. The only two avatars I have ever used was a photo of Theodore Roosevelt (we share the same birthday) and my own photo. Being a conservative at heart, I don't like change simply for the sake of change.
Wheel was my nickname in jr high and high school. Last name is Barrow, got my first car when I was 15. Paid 50$ for a 1953 chevy.
My brother was an only child and my parents moved away before I was born, so, I never have been able to determine what my name would have been.
Later in life, it occurred to me that having children is hereditary; if your parents never had any, chances are likely that you won't either.
Aside from that, "A. Macarthur" is a name I came by legitimately although it's not my family name.
In 1999 I retired from one position to take another, that being a consultant to Philadelphia public schools, a position that entailed teaching teachers to use MAC/Apple computers in the day-to-day classroom. Among the related projects were having students publish their own textbooks via "desktop publishing" and, the production of a mural for the lobby of one of Philly's hospitals -- a mural entitled "A History of South Philadelphia."
During the first weeks of that job, many teachers called me "Mr. Arthur," (my actual first name), "Mr. Art" or just plain "Art." Somewhere along the way, some one started calling me "The MAC MAN," which evolved into "MAC-Arthur and finally one afternoon, "AY! MAC-Arthur's in the building."
The "A. Macarthur" is the one that stuck.
Being a non-child is really a burden. You fought against it Mac, and succeeded.
I am proud of you...I think, or is it your brother.
Kavika ponders Mac situation.
Actually, because I'm a Gemini
I'm doubly non-existent.
Yes we aren't.
Mac, I'm a Taurus, and it seems like a lot of bull is being thrown around.
Kavika invites Mac to his parallel universe.
Invitation accepted.
Looks like a Tipi in the sky on the left side. As opposed to the Right Wing.
It's true -- and in life, the "Path With a Heart" is to the LEFT as well.
Lawrence of Arabia excellent film
As for the intent of my name I only changed from NV to NT for a change of location and a fresh start. As for the avatar it has changed over the years on the other site, so far here I have remained consistent, but when I get the chance I will change it. I'm not bored with it yet.
It was a slow day on NT the other day, so I wandered over to NV for the first time in months to see how it was progressing. What a horrible site that is. Just as buggy, complicated, slow and filled with mindless chatter as ever.
I saw that my NV nemesis, Bruce (the narcissist), was back in action over there, since he was made very unwelcome here with his self-centered attitude. When he was banned from NV, his dorky supporters were all wondering why he hadn't rereg'd. I told them it was because he was such a narcissist that he wouldn't settle for any screen name that didn't have "Bruce" in it, so rereg would be futile. Then I (as Future History) got banned for waging war with his lame-ass supporters over their pathetic adoration of a narcissist. Here's the funny thing - his new name is "I'm Back". He just couldn't think of a name that didn't involve himself somehow. I eventually rereg'd there as "Your Sofa Kingdom", and was surprised how long it took the dipshit mods to get the joke and ban me again - several months I think.
LOL..Good one Hal.
My wife tells me that it fits me to a ''T''..Of course I disagree...
Come on, Robert G. Just when the story gets exciting you pull that? They do the same thing here wirh the movie channel. You get to a really interesting point in the movie and they put up a screen that says if you want to watch further put up your credit card and pay....
"Ahovi" is Hebrew for"beloved".
As in the quotation from Shir ha Shirim (Song of Songs):
"Ani Ahovi, Veh Ahovati li".
It means, "I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine".
When Mrs. E. and I exchanged wedding rings under the Chuppah (Wedding Canopy) in June, 1972 the inscription on the interior of our wedding bands contains this quotation.
I hope this is helpful.
Peace and Abundant Blessings. Enoch.
Hello Enoch. Your wisdom has been sorely missed around here.
Crazy like a fox!
Hi Buzz. Sorry that I didn't reply sooner, but I just read this article.
As you may know, I have participated in Internet discussions for many years. This topic has come up for discussion many times...
In the early days, right after Al Gore invented the Internet, most people used their real names. Some even publicly posted their email addresses-- or even their real phone numbers! But as time went on, more and more people (particularly women) realized that that was definitely not a good idea.
The main argument against using one's real name was that it could lead to someone online meeting you in person and committing several "unpleasant" acts. (I myself have never been physically attacked, but have received 4 serious threats-- in fact, 3 of the 4 were death threats. And imagine-- me being merely an innocent purple pussycat!
One of the main reason often given for using a real name was the theory that by using their real names, it was assumed that people would be unlikely to troll or do anything nasty. Of course this turned out not to be as effective as hoped for.
Many people from that other site ("the green one") used false screen names and avatar picts. After some major policy changes there, many came over to NT. And here they used real names and many even used real photos of themselves.
My reply, Part the Second:
Most sites do not allow you to change your screen name after you register.
After using NT a while, people started to realize that it was possible to change your screen-name. Several times. I think Mike L (Peace Be Upon Him!t-- changing off and on-- various bizarre and amusing screen names. Others followed.
At first I thought it amusing-- but then I found it annoying as I thought many of these people were folks i had known for a while by other names-- and after their change, I didn't recognize who they were!
My recent frequent changes of names were not done out of an attempt to deceive, but rather out of boredom. (Plus, as everyone knows, Purple Pussy cats do have a mischievous streak :^). And I believe if you go to a person's NT profile page,regardless of their current screen name, if you look on top at the url you can see the name they registered with,which I believe is usually their real name (?)
Krishna: So you change your name out of boredom, or what? You indicated that others could be annoyed by the constant changing. Are you trying to annoy people? You have an excellent reputation for wisdom and wry humour (although there have been some - such as DPM and the cowboy on NV who would have liked you to suffer the lash) so why try to fool others into thinking you are someone different?
I second that, pokermilk. I'm really happy he has joined us.
Out of boredom.
Well, of course some people will be annoyed daily-- by whatever happens. Or-- doesn't happen.
Nope. That didn't even occur to me. (Although recently I've decided to "lighten up" a bit, not take anything online too seriously.) I di.d it merely out of boredom
No, I did it because I was bored. (Actually I was hoping some people would find it amusing). A few people approached me in chat (about other things). I asked them if they could guess who Purple P. was-- most knew it was me-- one wasn't sure but guessed)
True. I amuse my friends-- and terrify my enemies! And in addition, I am also extremely modest-- humble even!
DPM? NV? Never heard of either of those people! But "The Cowboy"? Wasn't that George W Bush? (Of course I've heard of him-- but never did actually meet him).
Well, OK, I probably shouldn't mention this-- but I was bored. Plus--my astrological chart has something in common with Amac (not that I believe in that sort of superstitiousness astrology--, of course
And that energy has a very mischievous component!
Okay, you retain your crown as chief mischief-maker.
And I've only just begun
Like Hell you've "just begun".
However, I relish the thought of enjoying your "mischief-making".