At Times I'm "Spiritual," at Other Times, I'm in it for the Buck!
Don Corleone:The Godfather
I work my whole life - I don't apologize - to take care of my family, and I refused to be a fool, dancing on the string held by all those bigshots. I don't apologize - that's my life - but I thought that, that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the string. Senator Corleone; Governor Corleone. Well, it wasn't enough time, Michael. It wasn't enough time.
Michael: We'll get there, pop. We'll get there.
Hey! Me neither -- I work my whole life -- so
Sometimes I take "Spiritual" pictures and other times I'm commercial -- mercenary even creating poster images with a
"Hey, YO! -- don't you want to own me and take me home and hang me up in your man cave?" look and feel about it.
Like these which I just put on the market yesterday and today.
Chase Utley, Phillies Second Baseman
And like I said (like Don Corleone said)
I don't apologize - to take care of my family
So, you know, All Rights Reserved/A. Mac (or I give it to Clemenza)!
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Yo! I'm a Gemini -- I can see things more that just one way.
Great work A Mac!
Utley is fantastic, one of my favorite players.
I am not sure why I am so drawn to these particular baseball visualizations. They must remind me of my childhood or something. Maybe it's the way the it interprets the brazenness and vitality of baseball, couched in a very unique Americana nostalgia. I dunno but I love it; thanks A. Mac!
I guess I am not as flexible . I only see things one way :
Nice work AMac, like them both. Maybe they can market you as a fan giveaway like the bobbleheads or action figures.
Godfather-Do you have one of you with an orange peel in your mouth?
Well done Mac, well done.
Not since I was out buying fruit with Fredo.
Wow-- fantastic work!
I think the problem that often arises in discussions of "spirituality" arise from different people having very different definitions of what is "spiritual". (Of course I am not foolish enough to believe is superstitious nonsense like Astrology! But if I did, I would guess that since you are a Gemini, unlike most people you can probably have several different definitions of "spirituality-- and not have that bother you in the least! P.S. My guess is that you might also have a prominent Venus, and probably lots of Libra energy (or planets in the 7th house-- or Libra Midheaven, or Venus conjunct MC) possibly also prominent Leo. Neptune/Pisces ("creating the illusio"0...Uranus/Aquarious ("mechanical devices" i.e. cameras").
All course all of this may be wrong-- its sheer conjecture.....
P.S. As I've mentioned, I don't believe in astrology, but I do have a lot of Gemini myself (even more than you actually) so I understand the energy of the sign quite well...
Good call, Krishna,
Years ago I had a friend who was deep into astrology -- she did my chart and found that most of the planets were in Leo!
But am I a "split personality" with a Gemini Sun sign hell no!
And yes I am; both of me.
Anyway, I thank you for the kind words about my pictures.
I'm definitely left brain and right brain - a degree in biology and a graduate degree in fine art/art history. Half of me wants to rule the world and the other half can't figure out why.