I have a major addiction problem
Thankfully it isnt drugs, but I have a major addiction problem.
My addiction is Minecraft. I'm a 31 year old woman who likes to play minecraft online with a bunch of xbox360 kids. Oh. My. God. I have a problem.
But I can't help myself. I just want to build a million structures and adventure until my thumbs bleed like they havent since I used to do mortal kombat on super nintendo sessions with my baby brother for days at a time.
Do you have an addiction?? An unhealthy obsession?
I keep telling myself at least it isn't drugs... or cigarettes... or alcohol... but heaven help me if I dont think about Minecraft all day.
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Go outside. There's sunshine and grass and trees and real (not virtual) life out there!
This is why I have avoided World of Warcraft. I don't even want to get started or I'll end up alone and unemployed.
You dawg.
Never played it, but my sister has the biggest farm on facebook in the country I believe, which I don't participate in either. Signed up after much encouragement and was bombarded with friends I hadn't seen in years and some I've never seen. Unsubscribed and facebook told me if I wanted to re-subscribe just sign in. What's that all about? LOL
Playing games on line is addictive as you get the highs and lows highs when you win lows when you loose. Addictions like eating at night is habit forming. To sttio eating at night get up get a drink of watergo back to bed. After a few nights you will not even wake up for that mid night feed.
Onstead of playin the game find a hobby, flower bed weeding crossword puzzles word search jigsaw puzzles. Get a scroll saw and make things. Some of te best scroll saw artists and intersia artists are are Women. There will be plenty of time to play video games when your to old to get up and move around.
I appreciate the concern, but there usually isnt sunshine by the time I get home during the week lol.
I do take advantage of the beaches on the weekend... but I still do some blueprint planning in my head for my next skyscraper project
I havent played sick yet... so I guess I dont lie, cheat or steal...
If only my husband were home more often, maybe I could find other uses for my fingers in my off time lol. Jealous
I havent seen it... and I think I'm missing out lol
Great reply, Miss. A fine example of addict logic. Yup, yer addicted.