A Radical New Way To Be Radical - Fighting The Mines In Wisconsin
A new tribe has been formed in Wisconsin to fight the mines being proposed in northern Wisconsin.
Every human being can become a member of the tribe.
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It seems that this new tribe is changing minds on the so called advantages of digging up the earth.
They have already changed a lot of minds. The Chippewa/Ojibwe have a huge court case in their favor from the 1990's. It affected Ojibwe in MN, WI and MI. It involves land ceded to the government and the Ojibwe right to hunt, fish and sustain themselves on land ceded. It was upheld by a district court in 1991 or 92.
This is going to be a battle that the mining company may lose Raven Wing.
I hope I'm right as well Raven Wing. There seems to have been a lot of shady dealing going on with this.
I wouldn't like that either, Kavika!!
" Recently, groups opposing the mine have taken a novel approach to building support and awareness of this issue. Instead of picketing, they began by educating county board members and talking neighbor-to-neighbor about the real human and community costs of such a mine."
Good to read that!
That is the key!!!
Chole, Leona, it's working, which is the best part.
There was an article yesterday or the day before regarding just that flame. And it seems your right, the record is in favor or business in their decisions.
As a new ''member'' of the tribe DWW, you'll have to meet SWP's.
This mine isn't on Indian land, but it close enough that the water will be effected.
So the battle with rage. This time it seems that the city councils, Indians, enviromentalists and the general population is fighting back.
This has been going on since the accursed Scooter Walker became governor. His corporate buddies in the mining business helped the republicans to rewrite the mining laws in the state and then went after the "silica" beds which are rich in Northern Wisconsin. Most of these lands, are owned by the Native Americans.
This silica will be used for "fracking" in Canada to extract oil which is supposed to be sent in a pipeline ( Keystone XL)
Source 1 -
Source 2 -
AeonPax, yes Walker started it, with help from his buddies. The backlash is growing and hopefully will stop this or keep it in court of decades.
The damage that this type of mining did in northern Minnesota, (Mesabi, Vermilion and Cuyuna) iron rages left scars and damaged water supplies for decades. A whole town was uprooted and moved because there was iron ore under it.
Thanks for the additional links.
This is great. I hope they can keep the momentum up and get this stopped. What a scam.
It is a scam Grump. The momentum is building and I hope that it keeps the pressure on the councils/towns/cities.
I found this video enlightening as to the thoughts of those that will be most impacted by the mines...if they come to be.
Good link Leona. It's breaking up, but you can get the gist of it.