Beer City USA: 5 reasons why Kalamazoo should earn title
The official Beer City USA poll went live Monday and craft beer buffs gathered at Bell's Brewery on Monday night to get out the vote. In addition to Kalamazoo, 21 other cities across the country are vying for the title.
A mitten-state rivalry is also brewing as Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids are the other cities in Michigan seeking the title. The poll's comment section has also prompted spirited debate among beer aficionados in the three cities.

1. Kalamazoo is home to the largest and oldest craft brewery in the state of Michigan and east of Colorado.
Bell's Brewery Inc. Founder Larry Bell began brewing in a 15-gallon soup kettle and sold his first beer 1985. Now, the brewery is considered the No. 7 top craft brewer in the nation, selling 216,000 barrels of beer across the country in 2012. Bell's Eccentric Caf was the first tasting room in Michigan in 1993. The brewery employs more than 200 people at the Eccentric Caf in downtown Kalamazoo and at its 200-barrel brew house facility in Comstock, among other locations. The brewery continues to expand in Michigan.
Bell's home-brewing general store has helped foster a robust home brewing community in Southwest Michigan for groups such as the Kalamazoo Libation Organization of Brewers . Bell has also long held a seat at the table with lawmakers overseeing the industry. Bell's claims its Expedition Stout is one of the first examples of an American-made Russian imperial stout and has dedicated Oberon, Two-Hearted and Hopslam fans nationwide.

Having visited kalamazoo's brewpubs,including and especiallyBell's Eccentric cafe, I must say that they are heavy contenders in Kalamazoo. Bell's was simply awesome, actually a destination spot for discerningbeer lovers imho.

Kalamazoo-- I always loved that name. I wonder who it is named for?
I wish I liked beer, because everyone raves about it so-- but I get a headache before I can finish one. So, as far as I'm concerned, Go Kalamazoo, and be the Beer City, USA. Please allow Louisville, or Lexington to be Bourbon City, USA...

Milwaukee used to be "Beer City" but that predates my moving there. Sad to say, only "Miller" is left along with a multitude of craft beers.
Personally, when I drink beer it's Leinenkugel's but that's made in Chippewa Falls, WI and "Point Beer" which is made in Stevens Point, WI.
Nonetheless, you go Kalamazoo.

Their Honey Weiss is a perennial favorite here in Minnesota. Leinie's Lodge over in Chippewa Falls is a great example of a brewpub/souvenir store and the folks over there are as nice as can be. If ya stop in tell 'em Larry sent ya..they will look at you with a blank stare, but still give ya a beer!

Chicago has some great brews of their own, both from craft breweries as well as larger ones. Honkers Ale comes to mind when I think of Chicago beers and is one of my favorite go-to beers for company or a night out wit' da boys.

The Bluegrass Brewing Company, here in Louisville, is supposed to be renown, as well. Then, we used to have Pabst, Oertel's, Black Flag, and other local beers-- but they're long gone now...