
My Letter to Jerry Verlinger


Category:  Other

Via:  perrie-halpern  •  11 years ago  •  45 comments

My Letter to Jerry Verlinger

Listen up pest of the day.....

You singlehandily, got me to go through the whole language editor so that everyone knows where to find their comments, articles & seeds. This only required 2.5 hours to do instead of doing something around the house. But hey... what they heck. Your nagging benefits the whole group.

And I say this with love.




jrDiscussion - desc
Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

I expect flowers!

bitemore Gfotwo
Professor Silent
link   bitemore Gfotwo    11 years ago

You made me smile, Perrie. You deserve more than flowers!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Thanks Bitey and Randy your always looking for an excuse to get laid, LOL!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Nope, hehe!Grin.gif

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Gee, I hope that Jerry knew I was kiddin' with him.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    11 years ago

WOW!!! I can't wait! How very wonderful!

Your hard work will be VERY appreciated!


Freshman Silent
link   Neetu2    11 years ago


Freshman Silent
link   Aeonpax    11 years ago
Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    11 years ago

Great! Thank you Jerry and thank you Perrie.

69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif 69.gif

Freshman Silent
link   Aeonpax    11 years ago
  • ....everyone knows where to find their comments, articles.

It's always been on their homepage, so far as I know.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Great tunes!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago


I am talking about how to track your comments, verses finding your archive of articles. They were all just called "discussions". So I changed discussions, to "articles/seeds or comments. It becomes more obvious when you to to an article. When you look on the top of the article you will see these hyperlinks.

Most people don't realize that there is a tracking system here and part of the problem was the vague language used by Ning, since the platform is meant for all kinds of groups.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

My and Jerry's pleasure

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Wow Neetu...

I know man... pass the dobbie.

Freshman Silent
link   Neetu2    11 years ago

wait a minute, Perrie......isn't it "doobie"?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Dang! See what happens when you smoke????

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

You singlehandily, got me to go through the whole language editor so that everyone knows where to find their comments, articles & seeds.

I had a lot of fun doing that, I love making wise ass remarks that almost piss you off.

This only required 2.5 hours to do instead of doing something around the house.

Yeah, like lounging.

You said the other day you were just lounging around the house, and asked me if I had any suggestions for the site. And now it's like I cut into your cocktail hour and pestered you into fixing things.

But hey... what they heck. Your nagging benefits the whole group.

(?!) You say things in private messages I can't repeat ... but here I'm a pest and a nag ..... ok, I get it.

And I say this with love.

mmmm, yeah, ok.

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

You single handily, got me to go through the whole language editor so that everyone knows where to find their comments, articles & seeds.

I had a lot of fun doing that, I love making wise ass remarks that almost piss you off.

This only required 2.5 hours to do instead of doing something around the house.

Yeah, like lounging.

You said the other day you were just lounging around the house, and asked me if I had any suggestions for the site. And now it's like I cut into your cocktail hour and pestered you into fixing things.

But hey... what they heck. Your nagging benefits the whole group.


You say things in private messages I can't repeat ... but here I'm a pest and a nag ..... ok, I get it.

And I say this with love.

mmmm, yeah, ok

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

I expect flowers!


Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Beautiful Jerry! Did you take that picture?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago


I had a lot of fun doing that, I love making wise ass remarks thatalmostpiss you off.

Not even close to being pissed off.

Yeah, like lounging.

I wish!

But hey... what they heck. Your nagging benefits the whole group.


Your confusion was understandable and others had commented on the past. I really didn't think it was in my power to change that, but I asked someone that I am friends with on the Ning Creators Group, and they gave me the tip. I'm glad you got me to do that. And really the purpose of this article, as not only to give you credit, but also to alert people of the change.

You say things in private messages I can't repeat ... but here I'm a pest and a nag ..... ok, I get it.

OK so you want me to admit that I call you sexy cheeks? There I said it.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Umm... I answered this on the first page?????

You have got to start your drinking at 5. I keep saying that.

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

Gee, I hope that Jerry knew I was kiddin' with him.

I know you were kidding ... you see what I did with that!

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

My and Jerry's pleasure

Perrie did all the work .....I just raised a question and did the being a pest part.

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

I tried to move it.ActuallyI did move it via "edit" , but forgot to come back here and make a new comment within the 15 minute edit window.

And you thought I was kidding when I told you I can an idiot at times.26.gif

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Hey really nice Mike. Did you take it?

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

Did you take that picture?

Yeah, from Google ...... but it's only a loner. They want it back by Friday.

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

Nice try Lonkousky, but I posted mine first, and mine are prettier.

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

Not even close to being pissed off.

I'll have to try harder.

Yeah, like lounging.

I wish!

Oops! My bad, I forgot you didn't me to say anything about that.

Your confusion was understandable and others had commented on the past.

I'm in a constant state of confusion.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

I'm in a constant state of confusion.

You and me both!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

You know what they say...

What's better than roses on your piano?

Tulips on your organ.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

I just realized that we sound like a cartoon show

"The Perrie and Jerry Show"

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

I still think giving up the booze before 5 would help.

Professor Silent
link   TTGA    11 years ago

And you thought I was kidding when I told you I can an idiot at times.

You can idiots??? Great idea Jerry, far better than waiting until they come into season again. I'll take two cases.

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

You know what they say...

What's better than roses on your piano?

Tulips on your organ.

I'm cleaning up some old comments andI just caught the meaning of this.

Wow! Makes me realize there's a lot more going on behind those innocent pretty blue eyes than I thought.

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    11 years ago

The "squeaky" wheel

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

You can idiots??? Great idea Jerry, far better than waiting until they come into season again. I'll take two cases.

I've beenofflinefor a while, so I'm in the process of cleaning up old comments.

While I try to make it a policy to notannoypeople by not responding to comments more than two weeks old, this one is too funny to pass up.

I sometimes wonder why I botherproofreadingmy own text, typos and errors like that get past me anyway.

ActuallyI used to can idiots, but the demand has collapsed since the Republicans started flooding the market with them.

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

I prefer fresh-picked, organic, free-range idiots.

I can't prove it, but I'm convinced that it yields a better tasting stupid.

(put me down for a case as well, just in case I run out)

You'll never run out of stupid Lonkousky.

(Put your foot in that one didn't you?)

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

The "squeaky" wheel

Just trying tofind things for Perrie to do. She gets bored just loungingaroundthe house.

bitemore Gfotwo
Professor Silent
link   bitemore Gfotwo    11 years ago

Hmmmm... I wonder - where is everyone? Is no one discussing anything anymore? Or maybe everyone is just away for the long weekend...?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    11 years ago

It's 5 in the morning here. Can I start drinking now?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    11 years ago

And you have a nice evening Suz - don't forget the martini.

Jerry Verlinger
Freshman Silent
link   Jerry Verlinger    11 years ago

Is no one discussing anything anymore?

Go to Police Brutality & Misconduct

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago


Always slow on a long holiday weekend.


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