What’s All This Brouhaha About What Mariachi Is?
Every time I turn on the TV or listen to the radio or surf the Net, therere all these people out there in a swivet about what is a mariachi, does the Federal government have the right to determine what mariachi is, or it should be up to each State to decide what a mariachi is, what are the rights or privileges connected with mariachi, on and on, day and night, yakyakyak! Its enough to give you a terrible headache and it just doesnt make any sense. For Petes sake, dont any of these people own a dictionary? If you havent got a dictionary and you just cant sleep without a nit-pick definition about what mariachi is, ask somebody to do a Google search or check at Askdotcom or go onto dictionarydotcom for you. (Youll have to have somebody else do it, cause if youre too dumb to know anything about Mexican guitar players after all the Western movies out there, youre definitely too dumb to use a computer by yourself.)
I mean, people get into absolutely the stupidest kind of arguments I have ever heard in my whole life. I heard some goof spouting off the other day, went of for 20 minutes about how the traditional mariachi is the foundation of the family, for Gods sake, and the traditional mariachi is crucial for raising healthy children, as if that makes any kind of sense. Millions of kids have grown up without ever hearing La Cucaracha, at least here in America. Anyhow, Id say that traditional rhythm & Blues or traditional Country & Western is a lot closer to the foundation of the family in this country. And after 20 minutes, it finally turned out he was upset people aredoing gay or lesbian mariachi.
And some bozos are even ranting that this lesbian mariachi or gay mariachi will undermine or somehow manage to totally destroy the traditional mariachi, which is just plain nonsense. Traditional mariachi has been around since the first Spanish or Latino person picked up a guitar; its not going to disappear just because some people are playing to a different tune. Besides, how can you tell who somebodys going to bed with by listening to the music they play, unless they start writing lyrics describing how they make whoopee? And even if they do that, how on earth could you imagine songs like that would undermine or destroy traditional mariachi anyway? Its not like people are going to hear a song and suddenly say, Wow, Im tired of boring traditional mariachi, Ive gotta have gay mariachi or lesbian mariachi myself, and Im going to insist that all my friends and neighbors get into lesbian or gay mariachi too. I havent heard any LGBT people hollering about changing traditional mariachi at all; its not as if gay or lesbian people are demanding that everybody else has to convert to their kind of mariachi, theyre just asking to have mariachi for themselves.
The craziest part of all of it is people getting so worked up about defining what kind of mariachi is okay, saying that the Supreme Court or all the States need to come up with official definitions of what mariachi is or pass a bunch laws against lesbian or gay mariachi. Would it really be better if there were fifty different definitions of what mariachi is, is that supposed to somehow make things better? Ive even heard of folks going through the Bible trying to decide what mariachi is, quoting scriptures to back up their opinion about what kind of mariachi their god intended for people to have. The bible comes from old Aramaic or Hebrew writings or someplace, things that have been translated poorly over and over for different reasons, and besides, the guitar hadnt even been invented back then! Whatever their taste in music was like in those days, things are a lot different todayif youre so all-fired determined to stick to your bible literally, go live in a tent and start raising goats if you want to, but dont run around demanding that everybody else lives that way
Its all nothing but a storm in a teacup if you ask me. Fussing and fuming and arguing over traditional mariachi, lesbian mariachi, gay mariachi, foaming at the mouth and going to court over a darn mariachi license. Wake up, people, really the world has of problems that are way worse than what kind of mariachi is acceptable. Theres famine and disease and wars going on, theres pollution and gangs and global warming and psychos with guns shooting up school kids, you know what Im saying? I think that if some people want gay mariachi or lesbian mariachi for themselves, just let em have it for gosh sakes; how is that going to hurt anybody else?
Mariachi Los Camperos- Popurri
Howdy, Sixpick-- you're up late muchacho... tnx for dropping in.
I'm still up 45 minutes after you posted but headed to bed. I do enjoy NT, but don't get to do much except a little in the morning, late at night and weekends. Have a good week Jim.
U 2 6-- Check out my other 4-1s