Windows 8 OR THE SWAMP
This is yet another chapter in the old man's adventures in the never never land called Windows 8. I never said that I was the brightest bulb in the lamp but this has turned into Technical Waterboarding!
This program is in no way considered to be intuitive as my old Xp Pro was. They have done away with a couple of my more extensively used tools, namely Safe Mode as well as Restore. I went to restore this and was advised that if I did a restore that all of the work that I had done so far would be lost. I have 12 year of detailed personal records, as well as research files, that I had backed up to a stand alone hard drive which I am being told can not be recovered.
Heck I can't even make my screen data large enough to read comfortably. In particular the Command Lines with their combination of lettering and Icons which look to be in 6 point print.
One of my more unsettling experiences is having something in the system immediately erasing all of my sign ins for my favorite sites forcing me to sign in sometimes 4 or 5 times a day. They used to be under my old Pro ignored on the system scans but not here. The minute I leave the site, even without signing off, something in the system erases any evidence that I was even here.
I'm truly sorry that I have not been more active but this is making me crazy and I needed some place to vent and you folks have been chosen. As The First People we are after all the Chosen, right?
Now having vented my spleen, if any of you really smart folks knowing Wind0ws 8 have any suggestions, to carry me out of this particular swamp, I will be eternally grateful!!
nvwatohiyadv tsula
I wish I could help you. I wish I could wave the magic peacock feather wand and make it all work...
The very best of luck to you! Someone here will know how to help, I'm sure!
Much love to you, dearest tsula!
Ah, my Darlin' Dowser , how I have missed you. I'm sure someone will take pity on the old guy. I have been working on these things for what seems like a lifetime and the older I get the dumber I seem to be. This falls under the heading of: Why the heck fix something that ain't broke? I was going to have someone take this program off and reload my Windows XP Pro but my bride went ballistic. She isn't a ballistic missile you know. More along the lines of a ballistic muscle. Scares the old man pretty good too!
I know how you feel...
You could install windows classic shell from for a start. This will make your windows 8 look like windows 7 or windows xp. Go here to see a guy installing and showing off the classic shell. Once it is installed there is a setting for Large Font. This may be an option for you.
You can try this for your website issues:
a. Press the Windows Key and the R key simultaneously to get the Run prompt.
b. In the Run prompt, type iexplore -extoff and press enter.
c. This will open Internet Explorer in no add-ons mode.
If that works for your websites you know there is a third party add-on installed with your browser that's causing your issues.
Good luck!
Man this is awesome. In the video he said that you could restore the XP Pro version of W7and that is exactly what I had on here. As far as a third party add on in my Explorer, I think that the people who made this computer and preloaded the programs, Lenovo, have something working for them. Tough people to get any answers from their tech support. I have stopped even trying to talk to them because of the run around. I thank you a bunch here evilgenius ! It looks as if I will definitely try this one out. Stay tuned!!
I did the extoff and now I can't get any of the add ons! How the heck to I make it run again. I tried doing the same command but changed it to read iexplorer -exton and I'm still without the normal add ons. Sorry but this is not what I wanted. HELP!!
I wish I were a techie, but I'm not. That is one reason you couldn't pay me to have a Windows 8 device. If I were in your shoes, I'd take the machine to wherever you bought it (it must still be under warranty) and demand that they restore everything and then install Windows 7 or XP on it. Had I known before you bought the damned thing, I'd have warned you away from it. I subscribe to a geek newsletter called " Lockergnome " (I recommend it to everyone... it is VERY useful), and what I learned from that, before Win 8 was released, was enough to make me steer clear of it. Since you are stuck with it, your only recourse is to have someone who knows how to do it restore what you seem to have lost (nothing is ever totally lost on a hard drive so it should be retrievable by an expert). Then: go back to an OS with which you are familiar. Windows 8 is going to have a very short life-span. Trust me. It is even more hated than Vista was.
Thanks, but it looks as if I am stuck with this and I'm going to have to work my way through the problems,. Evilgenius has given me a site to restore at least the shell of the Pro and if that works then I will be back in familiar territory once again. Having an entire operating system dependent upon icons for gosh sakes that they turned theirprogrammers intogrammar school kids.I have already gotten into trouble with one of his suggestions but think I worked it out. There is so much that I don't know that it gets downright scary at times. Be well and I'm glad to see you again.
The worst part is that Microsoft has enough power to force the computer producers preload Windows 8 instead of giving the buyer an option. I didn't and obviously still do not like windows 8 but in looking around even all of the Hewlett Packard's are preloaded, too. I checked Dell and they do the same. No options just windows 8. I'm going to start looking into the Macs. My daughter swears by hers but I don't want a notebook I want a desk top and at nearly 600 bucks a copy my budget is busted for the year so it is make do for the old man!
Well, then... had I known before you sprung for the Windows 8 garbage, I'd have directed you to AVA Direct . I can vouch for them and, best of all, they DO install "old" Windows systems. I had them build me a laptop back when Vista came out and I refused to have anything but XP. AVA Direct built me exactly what I wanted, and the darned thing still runs well. It was pricey... but they have a variety of options and you literally build it from the ground up, including what OS you want and what other programs you want. The best part is that you don't end up with a bunch of pre-loaded crap. So... keep it in mind for your next computer. And start saving your pennies so that you will be able to afford exactly what YOU want.
This is one of the major problems I am facing, on top of everything else. The best part is that you don't end up with a bunch of pre-loaded crap These people have a ton of pre-loaded stuff on here and I don't know which of them I can safely delete.
To be truthful I had been looking into a replacement and never figured the other computer would up and die on me. I needed something right away and Office Depot is only a couple of blocks away. At my age, this will probably be my last computer, too. My days are spent on this goomer starting at 7 AM and ending at bedtime 9 PM! Every day. Other than that it is sit and mold.
tsula, I sincerely hope you outlive that damnable machine and that you DO acquire something better! I refuse to allow you to sit and grow moldy! That is suitable for ancient bread, but not good humans like you. So there! I have squoken!
Maybe you could change your view. I don't have Windows 8 and haven't looked at it, so I don't know exactly what your problem is. You can change your view to list or icons, I would imagine. I understand. Sometimes I think they do it for spite, I mean change things. LOL.
Remember tsula....Charles B seems to really have it down on computers. You may want to contact him directly and explain your problem to him. He seemed very cordial in helping you the last time, but you had already bought the one you have now. I copy/pasted the information he put up for you for future reference for myself.
One site that you might want to check-out for information is .
They are a very friendly and helpful group of people with an extremely active forum dealing with every computer issue imaginable. I'm sure that you will find the answers to most of your questions concerning Windows 8 and maybe even some ideas about affordable alternatives to your current computer system.
tsula, if you want to turn your add-ons back on, run internet explore normally. Click on Tools... click on Manage Add-ons. Here you can selectively turn them on or off to see which one may be giving you any issues. I do not use internet explore for anything other than testing web pages. I use Google's Chrome. I don't run add-ons at all.
Thanks Charles B....
I copy/paste anything you put up because I know I will have problems eventually and it's like a reference book to me.
Charles B , thanks so much for the sites as well as the the advice. It is the responses of folks such as yourself that make it tolerable for folks such as me to endure these situations and I can not thank you enough!
Man, ain't this the truth, though?