Help a gal out
Category: Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
Via: miss-construed • 12 years ago • 22 commentsSo my cell phone has decided it doesnt really want to work anymore. I keep getting some software codes and red errors and such...
Anyway, I havent gotten a new phone in 4 years. Needless to say my current phone is more built for the new (in 2009)"unlimited texting" phase and not so much the data plan phase of the here andnow. I mean... it did have a color screen... so that is awesome...
Being that I've gotten a lot of funny looks when I look at my phone in front of my collegues... and the fact that my company has a lot (A LOT) of applications that run through smart phones to keep everyone connected... I feel like I am almost obligated to get one in order to play the corperate games with all the other reindeers.
So I'd like to hear some smart phone reccomendations.My carrier is sprint right now, and they treat me okay. I am aware that apple phones have moved past the ATT only stage and seem to be the end all be all of smart phone-age... but I'm a fair consumer and open to any MFG that is durable and useful.
Lay it on me
I have an LG phone-- it's about 3 months old and I've really enjoyed it. I use T Mobile, and have been pleased with their service, so far anyway. I've been a client of theirs now for 3 years.
I really like my LG phone. It's 4g, so the data downloads are quick! Plus, it is on sale right now...
Take care and good luck!
I'd like to see a rotary dial on a cell phone. People would notice.
Have an Iphone and there is a reason they are top sellers,,,veryintuitive,user friendly and more free apps than any other by a very large margin. That being said, there are now TONS of great smart phones out there, so I would do a little online research to see what does or doesn't interest you and then go to your Sprint store, take your time, and have them show you everything they have, play with a few and have them lay out the pros and cons. The main thing is, TAKE YOUR TIME, and don't be rushed into a purchase,,,get the one that works for you.
Thanks for the laugh, Grump.
My phone cost me the equivalent in CDN/US dollars, $60 (no tax). I buy my minutes (no contract needed) and they are plentiful for the buck, including long distance in the present country. I have a decent "point-and-shoot" with video capability so I didn't need a built-in camera. I'm usually near my computer or, if away, then internet cafe's are plentiful, so I don't need to read my emails on my phone. I don't need to listen to music with ear buds like the kids do, and I don't need to watch TV on my phone. It's simple, the usual keyboard for texting, and a number of extra features such as calendar, alarm, clock, games, etc. It positively amazes me when I see the average person, or a student, with some elaborate "Rolls Royce" of a phone that they need to upgrade every damn year.
Not long ago I went to a family banquet - about 15 people sitting around a big round table and about two thirds of them were sitting staring into their mobile phones and hardly anyone was talking. I would swear that a couple of the kids at the table were texting each other.
It drives me a little crazy when people are texting in meetings.
Although I am a little guilty of doing the corperate chat pod in meetings. I guess that's the same thing.
I dont really want a new smartphone... I just feel some incredible pressure at work to get one. Stupid really... but if you refuse to change with the world, you stand out. I guess I could be standing out for a good reason, but I'm pretty sure it isnt from the tone I get. :/
Good advice Larry. I hate going into those stores and finding the jerk sales person... but maybe I will go play with some anyway.
Damn...are we related?
Someone after my own heart.
I must apologize.
WhenI took note of a lady in distress I rushed willy nilly to her aid. Sadly I am the one person here that can be of no assistance as I am the final person on the planet sans a cell phone (and will happily go to the other side as such).
But my intentions were noble.
Can't fault a white knight for running t
The iPhonewill bethe easiest to adjust to, since you are coming from a dinosaur phone. I tried to convince my mom to go that route when she decided to go the data route, but she went with an android and she still can't even figure out how to text. My suggestion - go with the iPhone 4s - don't pay the extra money for the 5.
Great advice Bob. I took the iPhone-
1. because that was what most of my clients had and they keep asking me for advice on how to do things. I've learned through the years none of them ever heard of google search...LOL.
2. because I had to purchase two phones that first time and two iPhones were the same price as one droid razor.
Now that I've been using the iPhone I have so many purchases in apps and music I'd loose them if I switched to anandroidphone. I kind of wished I had picked the razor.
Thanks for the advice Bob. I've seen more than one type of phone running around... although I have heard one person cussing about his new google phone (apparently not a good purchase).
The applications arent ipod specific... so I should be able to really shop around.
Good pointer about the removeable memory. Do you find you use a lot of your storage on your phone?
I dont like the huge things either... but that's what wireless thingies are for I suppose. I can look like a douche in my VW with a blue tooth... but I would have to have a BMW to be a super douche lol... just kidding.
I dont know why that post cut off... hmmm...
I had heard the 5 wasnt much of an upgrade. Good to know.
Do you mean you click "reply, then type a comment, then click "add reply", and only the first part of what you typed shows up? Then you have to click "edit" and type it over again? That happens to me, in fact it just did now. problem with any of mine tonight.
Yeah, that is what happened. I dont remember now what I wrote... lol.
Hi there!!
A bit late to this conversation, and I havent' read the comments yet but here is my two cents. (hehe... for what it is worth!)
I used to have a droid phone, and loved it. It was easy to navigate/use and took great pictures etc. I then switched to an Iphone 4s.
Something funny happened when I switched.
The way people talked about their iphones and the advertising dog and pony show apple has done made me think that my life would be so amazingly different... for the better! It almost was like I expected a bright light to shine on me from above and angelic music would be playing in the background. Big, strong men looking like George Clooney or Chris Hemsworth would appear and offer me a glass of champagne...
Nothing was different. Nothing truly happened. My iphone isn't that great.... it is just like a droid, only the little icons look different.
I certainly would never wait in line to buy a new iphone or pay top dollar for it.
Hope that helped!