
We Need a Hero Pope


Category:  Religion & Ethics

Via:  charlie-courtois  •  12 years ago  •  17 comments

We Need a Hero Pope


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Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

The conclave to elect a new Pope will probably be around the middle of March.



Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 13 February 2013

[ Video ]

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As you know, I have decided thank you for your kindness to renounce the ministry which the Lord entrusted to me on 19 April 2005. I have done this in full freedom for the good of the Church, after much prayer and having examined my conscience before God, knowing full well the seriousness of this act, but also realizing that I am no longer able to carry out the Petrine ministry with the strength which it demands. I am strengthened and reassured by the certainty that the Church is Christs, who will never leave her without his guidance and care. I thank all of you for the love and for the prayers with which you have accompanied me. Thank you; in these days which have not been easy for me, I have felt almost physically the power of prayer your prayers which the love of the Church has given me. Continue to pray for me, for the Church and for the future Pope. The Lord will guide us.


Walkin Charlie

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming     12 years ago

Why am i suddenly picturing video of past pontiffs insync with Footlooses song I need a hero ?

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming     12 years ago

John . please understand , i am a reformed Roman catholic from Boston . i did my time , thus earned som snark rightage , besides , picture some past pontifs tooling around to i need a hero and see if it doesnt make one chuckle just a little bit .

No harm ment , and definitely no foul.

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    12 years ago

Yeah, I agree. Mickey was on topic. If you post a topic on religion, you can expect counterpoints. Such is life.

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    12 years ago

That Charlie may not seek confrontation is irrelevant. You cant impose that upon the other membership. If you wanted an echo chamber for discussions such as these, you could easily set up a private group and invite only members you believe will honor your vision of an article such as this (or at least the vision you believe Charlie has for it). It's really that simple...if you dont want counter views, snarky comments, etc....post them in private groups.

It's not like I'm telling you something you dont already know John. It just is what it is.

Freshman Silent
link   Aeonpax    12 years ago

I was privy today to a discussion by some locals about who the next Pope should be. What made it ironic was none of these people were Catholic.


Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    12 years ago

That, John, is debatable. When I read the title, I see something pointless. Do we really "need" a pope? Seemingly not, since they can retire from being the voice of god, lol. A "hero" pope? Arent all pope's supposed to be heroes? I mean, I know all the corrupt papacies throughout history suggest otherwise, but conceptually....?

My point here is you cant dictate how people respond to an article outside of requiring an adherence to CoH. You can be outraged all you want. It changes nothing.

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    12 years ago

Would you consider being gay and being Catholic as well to be ironic?

Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

Hi John,

Thanks for standing tall for the Church.

I'm used to this kind of malarkey and it helps when one or two can stem some of the slander tide away from the holy and diligent people of the faith. I am thinking about a Spiritual Site for Catholics which I administered the same on the Vine, but I, also, think it's important that general news should be out in the open if we are ever going to keep things straight for those no longer in the church for whatever reason.

It is a travesty to let slander, misinformation and lies damage the good that can come from helping some over the hump from the misunderstandings and lack of real knowledge that could ruin their salvation.

False pride by those who have been disobedient to the Church and the faith, don't get a lot of sympathy from me. I was a secularist most of my adult life, and it wasn't until I got hit in head (metaphorically speaking) that I came back to the faith.

Pax et bono,


PS: When I was boy, Bishop Sheen, and Cardinal Spellman were our prelates in charge, and later Bishop Sheen dished it out on TV for years as #1 on CBS, I believe, with a higher rating than Milton Berle with "Life is Worth Living."

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    12 years ago

"False pride by those who have been disobedient to the Church and the faith"


Freshman Silent
link   Aeonpax    12 years ago

You can be Gay and Catholic....you can also be Gay and Republican.

Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

Well Mickey...

Why have a Pope at all?

For one thing about 75,000,000 million Catholics in the U.S. need guidance for salvation. For another roughly 1/6th of the population of the world claims to be Catholic and few of them think like you. We all need a boss, no matter how smart we think that we are.

"The first will be last, and the last will be first," Our Lord said. So, smarty pants will be left in the dust.

Just remember what happened when the Reformation took place. Now we have 35,000+ denominations without titular heads and there is total chaos in all of the major Christian Religions about what is moral and immoral. Humans who think they don't need religion, like I did most of my life, are greater in number in the corridors of power than the man in the street.

The Church's deep pockets have encouraged the media (of all types) to throw dynamite at anything Catholic, because they know they have a strong possibility to fill up their own coffers with some of the church's wealth.

Jesus told Peter that even the Devil himself will not be able to tear the church down. And, guess what it is still standing. I challenge you to tell me just one other organization that is two thousand years old?

Otherwise hold your peace!


Walkin Charlie

Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago


it was on topic

Yes it was, but where were you when the Church was built, and what gives you the temerity to suggest that Christ's Church should be not led and be torn down, just because: Mickey "The Mouse Abides" Mouse , thinks it should?

Sad, and laughable at best, Mickey.

Walkin Charlie

Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

HI Tacos y Margaritas,

"No puedo hacer mucho al respecto el Papa, pero no quiero faltar al respeto a la dignidad de su lugar en la Iglesia. l es el Vicario de Cristo!"

I believe that all people no matter how small or big, especially the Pope, should be discussed in a public forum. Those that feel pro or con should have their voice. Whispers and innuendo in close sessions are a disservice to the faith and the Church.

Talking behind peoples backs was never right, most especially the Pope. Would you tell the Pope to his face if you met him your views?

Thank about it!



PS: Since you used "y" in your name I assumed you understand Spanish.

Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

Mickey, you said your piece, and that is fine.

I just wanted to keep the record clear on my take on your views. Plenty of others will silently or loudly not agree. So be it!

Freshman Silent
link   Aeonpax    12 years ago

I was educated at a Catholic University and while they did not have any sanctioned Gay groups on campus, I did occasionally get involved with an off-campus Gay Catholic group called "Dignity." There is no ideological or spiritual dichotomy in being Catholic and Gay. The way I understand the CC, it welcomes sinners, even if they believe they haven't sinned.

While being a Catholic is not my thing and am against the Catholic lay and clergy painting homosexuality as am evil in itself (which dogmatically, it is not), those groups do not represent the teachings of the church.

Charlie Courtois
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Charlie Courtois    12 years ago

On Newsvine John,

The rabid non-believers flocked to my:Spiritual Reflections, Any Religious Post, Pastiches, etc. there; so, I am a seasoned warhorse in the defending the faith. It keeps my olde brain cracking. Usually the atheists are quick witted, and they can challenge how well we know our faith. I am in a ecumenical group called Kairos which was founded on the Cursillo model.

There I was the only catholic among 50 or so guys, and we had several Md's and real sharp pastors, so the faith discussions were lively. No Bibles allowed in the prison. The inmates had them but our ministry was all about Jesus, period.


Walkin Charlie


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