Six members of a Kansas cult convicted after forcing kids to work 16 hours a day or face ‘eternal hellfire’
Via: freefaller
Religion & Ethics
6 months ago
S ix members of a Kansas-based cult have been convicted over a conspiracy in which they forced children as young as eight to work 16-hour days under the threat of “eternal hellfire.”...
Rural White MAGAs And What 'Woke C.S. Lewis' Got Wrong | Fred Clark
Via: outis
Religion & Ethics
11 months ago
This is a take on MAGA that I have never seen before. Very probably, you haven't either. So please... read the seed and try to understand it before Commenting.
Why Do We Believe What We Believe?
Via: outis
Religion & Ethics
last year
Every day, including right here on NT, we see people who firmly believe things that are opposites. While some of these people may be pure hypocrites... it would be presumptuous and hazardous,...
Who Would Jesus Execute? Christians And The Death Penalty
Via: outis
Religion & Ethics
last year
Is it possible to follow Christ while killing a helpless person? If we're not supposed to throw that first stone, how can we make that injection? I insist: the person we are contemplating...
‘The Lord told us to’: US pastor says he stole $1m from Christians to remodel home
Via: freefaller
Religion & Ethics
last year
A Colorado pastor who is charged with stealing more than $1m from his Christian community in a cryptocurrency scheme has admitted to the fraud but argued that God instructed him to carry it...
[D. A.] on coming out, struggling with suicidal thoughts . . .
Via: cb
Religion & Ethics
2 years ago
Macaw Performs “Photograph” by Ed Sheeran | Season 9 Ep. 10 | The Masked Singer My thoughts: This is how we lose beautiful people with hearts of gold. I remember well this young man's...