


Category:  Other

Via:  rodney-889389  •  11 years ago  •  8 comments

Do You Know About Dialing 112? EVERYBODY SHOULD READ THIS!  UPDATED!!!

This blog included a story that was sent to me by a friend. It suggested the dialing #112 from you cell phone would connect you to State Police dispatchers in the event an unmarked patrol car attempted to pull you over.

This may or may not be true,

112 is NOT a standard emergency number in the U.S.

The message claims that dialing 112 on a cell phone will connect the caller to state or local police anywhere in the U.S. This is not true. Whether you're calling from a landline or a cell phone, 911 is still the only universal emergency number throughout the U.S.

Mobile calls from within the U.S. to 112, which is the standard emergency phone number in Europe , may I repeat, may be automatically redirected to local emergency services depending on the service provider and type of device used (e.g., a cell phone using GSM technology ). But don't depend on it. Dialing 911 is still your safest bet in a real emergency. Don't play Russian Roulette with your life.


I apologize for not vetting the earlier information morethoroughly.


jrDiscussion - desc
Freshman Silent
link   ScubaGolfJim    11 years ago

Not true. Started circulating in 2002. You're advised to use the US standard 911.

Rodney 889389
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Rodney 889389    11 years ago

Seems I didn't investigate this story thoroughly enough afterreceivingit from a friend.

I agree, 911 should be used.

Time for an update of this blog...

Mark in Wyoming
Professor Silent
link   Mark in Wyoming     11 years ago

10520_discussions.jpg I call 1911 first , then 9-1-1 for the body bags .

Stephi Cantley
Freshman Silent
link   Stephi Cantley    11 years ago

ok, that was pretty funny, Mike24.gif

Freshman Silent
link   Wizeguy    11 years ago

I believe in Florida it's *347 for FHP...Florida Highway Patrol. As you travel from State to State it vairies. There are usually signs on the Interstates that give you the number. Comes in handy when the guy in front of you is weaving or appears drunk.

Rodney 889389
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Rodney 889389    11 years ago

From the way I understand it, the cell from company(s) would have to program a re-routing of all 112 calls.

Semper FI

Shub Orinuj
Freshman Silent
link   Shub Orinuj    11 years ago

wish there was a number that could direct a person to a nearby police officer instead of calling 911 and describing your problem. Those people talk about numbers (roads) on one side of the state when the 911 caller is on the other side of the state. Been there trust me it is funny.

Wasn't there a time in american history where people had a radios in their cars to talk to people on the roadsimilarto truckers. Why don't we have something like that again.


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