
I Was Just Flipped Off By A Silver Haired Old Lady With A Honk If You Love Jesus Sticker On The Bumper Of Her Car


Category:  The Lighter Side/ Humor

Via:  tex-stankley  •  11 years ago  •  8 comments

I Was Just Flipped Off By A Silver Haired Old Lady With A Honk If You Love Jesus  Sticker On The Bumper Of Her Car

Without further ado, Antsy MccLain and The Trailer Park Troubadours....


jrDiscussion - desc
Erinn Rich
Freshman Silent
link   Erinn Rich    11 years ago

Oh my!!!

Professor Quiet
link   Pedro    11 years ago

I thought that was the universal sign for "you are number one". At least, that's what my mom told me.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Well Bruce keeps telling me that I am going to hell, so I've been thinkin' and I might take this as my theme song!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

He's so bad, he's good!

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    11 years ago

Your momma done lied!

Alyssa Ingalls
Freshman Silent
link   Alyssa Ingalls    11 years ago

Grandma, watsup wiff dat.


Tex Stankley
Freshman Silent
link   seeder  Tex Stankley    11 years ago

I've gotta admit that the title of Antsy's tune initially appealed to my heathen soul. Once I listened I was sort of please with where he went. In a most amusing turn of goober comedic writing he sort of laid out the schism between the two different versions of Christianity in which we collectively waller in Stress Monkey Modern America.

Anyhow, glad some folks enjoyed this. Ultimately it delivers a sweet message. Generally I am drawn to the dark side of music but this was just too fun.....


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