
Hitchhiking Robot Is Decapitated And Left In A Ditch After Just Two Weeks


Category:  Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life

Via:  feronia  •  10 years ago  •  15 comments

Hitchhiking Robot Is Decapitated And Left In A Ditch After Just Two Weeks

by Morenike Adebayo


This summer, one small robot should have had a big adventure.

Its my sad duty to report that the United States adventures of hitchBOT , the Canadian hitchhiking robot, have come to an untimely end, two weeks after setting off for a final destination of San Francisco, California.

While hitchBOT had travelled across Canada and Europe coming to no harm, the hitching automaton was found vandalized and destroyed beyond repair in Philadelphia this month.

Canadian journalist Lauren ONeil tweeted thisphoto belowof the broken robots vestiges. Decapitated and with limbs removed, the remains are areminder that hitchBOTs sight-seeing expeditions were an experiment to see how people would react and interact with a traveling robot in society.


HitchBOTs trip came to an end last night in Philadelphia after having spent a little over two weeks hitchhiking and visiting sites in Boston, Salem, Gloucester, Marblehead, and New York City, wrote David Smith from McMaster University and Frauke Zeller from Ryerson University on the hitchBOT website . Unfortunately, hitchBOT was vandalized overnight in Philadelphia; sometimes bad things happen to good robots. We know that many of hitchBOTs fans will be disappointed, but we want them to be assured that this great experiment is not over.

For now we will focus on the question what can be learned from this? and explore future adventures for robots and humans.

On the kindness and helpfulness of strangers, hitchBOT traveled over 10,000 kilometers (6,213 miles) through Canada and spent 10 days traveling through Germany earlier this year. This map (below) shows how far hitchBot made it in his voyage across the United States.

From Massachuserts to Philadelphia. hitchBOT .

hitchBOT is survived by a large family of researchers, friends and supporters.

~~ Link ~~


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
Skynet. Never forget.
Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
link   Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    10 years ago

Not to be ghoulish, but I'd like to see the autopsy photos.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

The next HitchBOT will be armed. 2nd amendment and all that.

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Fero ,

I'm glad you did this thread instead of me . Just imagine if the little guy got decapitated in Detroit or Flint , Mi !

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Only in America.


Joey Giordano
Freshman Silent
link   Joey Giordano    10 years ago

I anxiously await the results of the rape kit, so we can imprison the black male that did this.

(just kidding everyone)

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
link   Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    10 years ago

In the immortal words of someone somewhere: That's creepy as shit.

Professor Participates
link   1stwarrior    10 years ago

Need four of those - three as body-guards.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

He didn't make it very far, did he? Maybe he should have started in Maine, and stayed near the border-- way out in the middle of nowhere...

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago

They are very creepy!


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