
Saying Goodbye to a Louisville Legend – Lynn’s Paradise Cafe


Category:  Wine & Food

Via:  dowser  •  12 years ago  •  3 comments

Saying Goodbye to a Louisville Legend – Lynn’s Paradise Cafe

8898_discussions.png Louisvilles most unique restaurant is closing over a labor dispute, leaving the city without one of its most interesting, entertaining restaurants. Lynns Paradise Caf is locking its doors after 20 years of making headlines with a unique dcor and fabulous food. Highly reviewed by many national food groups and magazines, Lynns Paradise caf was one of the highlights of a Louisville tour!

In the Louisville Courier Journal, the employees stated new rules prompted the restaurants closing. The new rules required each server to report to work with $100 cash. Requiring workers to report with their own change is illegal here in Kentucky, and apparently the management of the caf were reported and forced to close their doors.

8899_discussions.png At present, the parking lot is blocked off and security guards are in place, to guard the restaurants innovative interiors.

Part of the restaurants experience was more than the foodwhich was delicious, well-prepared, and of gourmet quality. The experience included Lynns fabulously wacky decorations and ambiance, as well, which was guaranteed to be a conversation starter.

The picture at right shows some of Lynn's decor inside-- it was always filled with uniquie and fascinating items. It was sometimes difficult to stop looking and start eating! But the food was soooo good, that eating wasn't the problem!

(more below)

8900_discussions.png From the parking lot, where unique outdoor art work was highlighted, to the patio smothered in flowers, to the unique gift shop, and fantastical interior dcorLynns Paradise Caf guaranteed not only a good meal, but a fascinating experience!

The picture at the right shows some of the unique outdoor artwork featured at the cafe! It was fun from the moment one drove into the parking lot!


I loved the patio, as well! Year-round, it was decorated with brightly colored silk flowers and umbrellas! We went to the patio as long as we could possibly stand the cold!


Lynns Paradise Caf sponsored The Ugly Lamp contest every year to coincide with Derby Festivities.

I seriously considered entering the chandelier that came from my house in the Highlands of Louisville. That chandelier was a bulbous blob that sat on the ceiling, with flame-shaped bulbs stuck out at odd angles. It truly resembled the view of a cows udder, if one were up under the cow. However, as a light fixture, it didnt qualify for the lamp portion of the contest.

Every year produced some fantastic winnersall of which were proudly displayed within the dining area and gift shop, prompting conversation along the lines of What WERE they thinking?


I have never gone there that I didnt have to make a reservation to get in, or wait an hour. The parking lot was always jammed with cars! Ive purchased many Halloween hats thereincluding my Medusa hat, which was a cap with large, green, posable snakes that curled and waved out of the cap. Just driving by the place made me smile, and long to go in for the music, laughter, and fun!

The gift shop, to the right, carried gifts that one could NEVER find anywhere else in Louisville! It was fun just to browse there, too!


Bourbon French Toast was their speciality! At $15-$16 per serving, it was well worth the occasional splurge! It was Delightful!


Yet another winner of the Ugly Lamp Contest! This had to be made for the occasion-- but many of the lamps entered were just normal lamps that happened to be hideous!

I will miss Lynns Paradise Caf, and certainly hope they can work out their current troubles to re-open!

Thanks for coming by!


jrDiscussion - desc
Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    12 years ago

Sorry this is spaced so weirdly! I did the best I could to get the paragraphs spaced with the pictures, but things weren't that "cooperative".

I will surely miss Lynn's Paradise Cafe, and can only hope they get their act together to reopen!

Thanks for coming to see me!

Sophomore Quiet
link   seeder  Dowser    12 years ago

That was all that was in the paper today, but I am going to pay REALLY close attention to find out exactly what happened. It is a very popular spot-- I can't imagine that they can't keep the doors open! And the food was devine! It was a really fun place to go!

Freshman Silent
link   bondibox    12 years ago

The problem with the $100 bank for the servers was due to a new policy of paying out credit card tips on servers' paychecks. This policy upset the busers and bartenders who believed they wouldn't receive a "tip-out" because the servers would claim they hadn't earned any cash that night. So the $100 bank was to guarantee that the server would be able to pay the secondarily tipped staff. Forcing staff to share tips is against the law in Kentucky.

I worked at Lynn's "back in the good old days" in the old store on Frankfort Ave. For a while there it really had "the vibe" where all the employees got along and respected each other. It's where I learned to put love into food. But it seems that the more money Lynn made, the worse she treated her staff. We used to joke that she was successful in spite of herself.


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