Trying to Be Productive and Stay Sane ...
My headline is misleading ... I saw that right off but kept it nevertheless as a reminder of how easy it is to give credit where none is due. Productive I have always been ... but the jury is still out and remains hung over the sane piece.
There are certain needs I have beyond the basics; hell, I like to eat, drink, have shelter, breathe clean air, enjoy moderate temperatures ... but I also need trees ... not just those contrived street trees -- the ones planted along sidewalks to sort of make up for all the ones bulldozed over in order to make the damned street in the first place. I like my trees in a forest, growing up and spreading out as nature will permit.
And, I have this thing about water. Not the kind you drink and not that chlorinated swimming pool pee-pee; I like water that has fish ... water that has the perfumed scent of algae augmented by mossy banks through which it flows. Now that's water with character!
So, what's all this got to do with "productive" and "sane"?
Well, I recently tore my left Achilles tendon ... so ... no forest-jaunts and no stream fishing and no photography in either! Not for months anyway.
This all amounts to the question ... "What do I do to be productive 'til the immobilizer boot comes off and I rehab my leg?" I'll still get to the gym three times a week (no treadmill, no elliptical, no stationary bikes though ... but watch out for my upper body which is already pretty well-developed for an older guy right now and which will be even more so down the road), but what am I going to do after the gym until the sun goes down?
Here's the tentative and hopefully the definitive answer.
1) I intend to publish a number of e-books, the first of which I have begun to create.
2) I will photograph birds and any other critters that hang out around my bird-feeders set up outside of my family room in which I can sit comfortably, camera on tripod and snap as opportunity permits.
Snap pictures that is.
It'd be nice if some you lived nearby so you could come visit ... I may be injured but I'm still fun and while you ain't forests or streams ...
I still love ya!
But ... all rights are still reserved/article and image/A. Macarthur
Note: In the event any of you decide to want to stop bye ... I'm verifiably sane and humane enough so you'd need not be concerned.
First bird photo of the Achilles Era. Thanks Bluejay dude
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Note: In the event any of you decide to want to stop bye ... I'm verifiably sane and humane enough so you'd need not be concerned.
Well, I think I will be snapping some pics of our first snow here in Utah. I dont know what the state/city average snowfall is right now, but I can tell you that I cleared about two feet yesterday, and it is already built back up today. I hope my snow shovel holds up!
I tore the tendon completely off my ankle some years back (they called it a sever high ankle sprain), and the sheer force involved also fractured my ankle. It took about two months to start walking on it again, and another month or so before my calf was close to normal size again. Full mobility took about a year.
Mac ,
There are so many "places" you can go on the interwebs . Just y'day I started exploring the possibility of making my own biodiesel from used cooking oil . It gets pretty involved . Apparently there are problems with the growth of fungi and molds as well as the removal of water from the fuel . Maybe you know more about this than I do though .
Take it easy my friend .
Thank you, Rich. I believe it was Thoreau who said, "The joy in life is in knowing many things." And someone else said, "Idle hands are the Devil's workshop."
Let me state on-the-record, that although we often bicker and disagree, I realize that you indeed, are one who has knowledge of many things ... let the heat of some of our discussions not be without light.
As for fungi and mold and removing water from fuel, I can only hypothesize that filters designed to separate liquids by relative densities must already exist ... and molds and fungi being both vulnerable to light and heat might be destroyed then filtrated without causing the fuel they contaminate to ignite.
There appears to be a problem with the discussion editor ... I cannot post the image that goes with this article; anyone else having a problem?
All right ... picture is posted. Click it for the best look.
Of all the non-tropical birds the bluejay is one of the most striking . That was a masterful shot ...
Blue Grosbeaks, Scarlet Tanagers and Rosebreasted Grosbeaks are also striking. The Bluejay being the largest of these, is probably the most striking for combination of size and color!
Blue Grosbeak ... Shot in my back yard ... but this past summer, not in the Achilles Era. This is the only Blue Grosbeak I ever saw in person, that made it a lucky shot.
Rosebreasted Grosbeak; also shot this past summer.
I hope you get better soon. I know it sucks for someone as active as you.
Thanks Fed up.