Teens and Video Games: How Much Is Too Much?
The gamer community had a near-miss this week in Ohio, when a 15-year-old boy collapsed after playing "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" for up to five days straight.
For instance, in July, a Taiwanese teenager was found dead after sitting for 40 hours in an Internet cafe playing " Diablo 3 ." At the time, doctors speculated he died from a heart attack caused by a blood clot that formed during the long session.
And last summer, a 20-year-old man from the U.K. died from a blood clot after spending 12-hour sessions on his Xbox. His father told "The Sun" newspaper, "He lived for his Xbox. I never dreamed he was in any danger."
I've tried to play even when I couldn't keep my eyes open.
I didn't know that you could play so long that it would kill you. That's just crazy. Maybe I shouldn't sit at the computer so much.
we need to warn the rest of the Newstalkers. Conserveenergy and save a life.
I didn't even think about conserving energy. That's another good reason to turn off the old computer.
I agree mike, play at your own risk. It's not my fault that parents don't teach their kids self control, they should set someboundaries for theirchildren'ssafety.
Don't lie! We know you're both crying.
Frankly, I am more worried about what kids should be doing instead of playing video games. They used to go out and play or read a book...
I know. I mean I played plenty of video games when I was a kid, but not enough to kill me. But I used to read a lot, go swimming, etc. I guess some are only playing video games.
Well, it was Modern Warfare...what's more modern than death by video gaming?