5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen
Category: Health, Science & Technology
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner • 13 years ago • 14 comments (Note: This article is from 2007-- obviously the situation has deteriorated significantly since that time...)
We found out recently that if you try to leave a little kid in a graveyard late at night, he'll freak out. Even if you offer to leave him a gun to protect himself. Why? It's because on some instinctual level, all humans know it's just a matter of time until the zombies show up. (Cont'd )
I get an error message when I click on "cont'd".
It does seem like the most credible of fantastic things that could end up a reality. That is why Shelly and I have prepared ourselves for the inevitable. In fact, I just bought a sweet laser dot crossbow today....
And Cracked.com is thoughtful enough to provide a handy-dandy Threat Evaluation Warning System for each of these:
Found it here...
Thanks. it seems that some of the Zombies have infiltrated NT and had eaten some of our links!
Hopefully justice will be fair-- and swift!
LOL, that was a funny link!
Ha, reminds me of the movie Zombieland; "Rule number one : Cardio" .
Old News.
I got my notice from that very famousdocumentaryof the 70's, "The Omega Man". Knew this was a possibility all along!
You're ready to go!
Why do crossbows work so well on Zombies? Noticed that in a few flicks.
Because they fire silently.
Aaahhhh....I thought it was becauseMilla Jovovich was so hot cradeling one that it became the industry standard!