
A Get Well Card to Larry C


Category:  Other

Via:  perrie-halpern  •  12 years ago  •  9 comments

A Get Well Card to Larry C

Larry went into the hospital yesterday. I spoke to him today, and his spirits are good but he will be in for a while as they decide how to best treat him. Let's all send him good wishes for a speedy recovery. 9423_discussions.jpg


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Quiet
link   MalamuteMan    12 years ago

Hey Larry! Mal is pullin' for ya!!! Get well friend!

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    12 years ago

Geez Larry ,

You just got back here and now you're sick ? You bettaaah get well soon and get back here ! We miss you ...

A. Macarthur
Professor Guide
link   A. Macarthur    12 years ago


Please, first chance, let me know what's happening and send updates.

Freshman Silent
link   Arch-Man    12 years ago

Hi Larry, get well. If you don't mind I kinda got used to your mug being on the members on line window. Ok, I'll also put you on my prayer list. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Smile.gif

Professor Silent
link   wmolaw    12 years ago

All of us thinking of you.

Larry Hampton
Professor Participates
link   Larry Hampton    12 years ago

Hi Larry! Get better buddy!

Professor Participates
link   Pedro    12 years ago

Best wishes Larry. Make sure your wife hooks up the 360 in your room and doesnt forget the Tiger Woods either.

Shel F
Freshman Silent
link   Shel F    12 years ago

Definitely don't go without the 360.....I mean, that would just suck.Grin.gif

Rest easy and get well quick.


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