Category: Photography & Art
....brighten your day just a tiny bit, then you need to rethink what makes you smile.
Mila is just beautiful! What a wonderful smile. She looks like she must be a happy camper. You and Peter are so lucky.
And she did brighten my day!
What a cutie! Very sweet Shelly and thanks!
Nicely done! Beautiful subject, excellent composition.
She is a charmer !
Pretty baby. Who is she?
I suspect that in her teenage years, her dad will be chatting with many an unsuspecting suitor about how they should treat her with respect.
Many thanks to you, Maestro.
She seems to like being in front of the camera.
Thank you!
She's my sweetie for sure.
She is a very happy baby. She has her fussy moments like all babies, but they never last long.
...and thank you
The sperm that won?
I expect you're right . Also , Klaatu Nikto Barada to you ...
Oh no ! Dyslexia strikes again ...
It seems that Gort isn't in the mood to destroy Earth tonight....
Thank you! She gets her good looks from me.
Babies always make me smile, especially now as I know they are not mine!
I used to say something similar. Now I have two kids.
Last time we stuck her in a freezer, we had CPS called out on us. Cant do that again.
For sure.
She's way cuter than that kid anyway.
She's plotting her retaliation against you, ya know.....
I heard something about Icy Hot and underwear.
sorry, i dont have Leukoplakia
93 visitors
Mila is just beautiful! What a wonderful smile. She looks like she must be a happy camper. You and Peter are so lucky.
And she did brighten my day!
What a cutie! Very sweet Shelly and thanks!
Nicely done! Beautiful subject, excellent composition.
She is a charmer !
Pretty baby. Who is she?
I suspect that in her teenage years, her dad will be chatting with many an unsuspecting suitor about how they should treat her with respect.
Many thanks to you, Maestro.
She seems to like being in front of the camera.
Thank you!
She's my sweetie for sure.
She is a very happy baby. She has her fussy moments like all babies, but they never last long.
...and thank you
The sperm that won?
I expect you're right . Also , Klaatu Nikto Barada to you ...
Oh no ! Dyslexia strikes again ...
It seems that Gort isn't in the mood to destroy Earth tonight....
Thank you!
Thank you! She gets her good looks from me.
Babies always make me smile, especially now as I know they are not mine!
I used to say something similar. Now I have two kids.
Last time we stuck her in a freezer, we had CPS called out on us. Cant do that again.
For sure.
She's way cuter than that kid anyway.
She's plotting her retaliation against you, ya know.....
I heard something about Icy Hot and underwear.
sorry, i dont have Leukoplakia