More Spring Pix
2) Mourning Dove on a Cool Morning ... Insulation ... no Problem
3) Male Junco
4) Purple Grackle
5) Caution -- Rainbow Trout at Work
6) Sand Spring Run, Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania
7) Pennypack Creek ... in Philly ... just down the street from my house!
8) Robin ... I transformed the shot to a poster image.
All Rights Reserved/A. Mac
Vernal Equinox dudes and dudesses.
Birdies! I am so happy to see their back in your photos! Really niceJunco! We don't see purple gackles. They are quite pretty in purple!
Did someone say tranquil, wooded stream?
Be right back ... okay ... two more tranquil, wooded stream.
I'll find more Robin photos in that case.
I have two good friends living in the Rockies ... if/when you get there, it'll be three and I'll be heading out there some more.
Jeremiah Johnson ... my favorite film. A friend who lived in Denver, now in Grand Junction knows Mt. Evans and Rocky Mtn. National Park extremely well. I went there with him two years ago ... one of our members lives out that way as well.
One of these days wouldn't it be something if we all got together at 14,400 feet?
One more ...
This friend in Grand Junction ... we hadn't seen one another for roughly 40 years. We reconnected in 2010 and caught up on our lives while in Mt. Evans.
I don't remember what we were talking about but I yelled out from a lookout ... hoping for an echo ... in my best Will Gear voice ...
My friend started to laugh ... then said ...
Forty years without contact then finding we both know just about every line from the film!
Hey Mac,
Nice new additions to the birds. I didn't get a chance to see them. The first one looks like like the park that is below me.
I live above that house in the picture.
That is quite the outstanding shot!
Any fish in that little stream?
Just for you buddy. Between Durango and Silverton. Like you, Eileen and I can't wait to get back to mountain living.
As always, just beautiful.
The Purple Grackle is quite the bird. I love the markings and the color is really unusual.