What is it about cheesecake ?!
For generations, scientists thought the human tongue could detect only four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salt and bitter.
Then a fifth was discovered, "umami" or savoury. Now, researchers have identified a previously-unrecognised "sixth taste" fat.
A team in the United States has located a chemical receptor in the taste buds on the tongue that recognises fat molecules, and found that its sensitivity varies between individuals.
That's really cool. I wish they had said where it is located.
When I used to teach about the tongue, I used to show how you couldn't taste one of the big 4, if it was put on the part of the tongue that didn't have the receptors. It's a lot of fun to do. Even more fun, in smell.
There are so many different basic functions of the body, that the common person just takes for granted.
I googled for more on this topic but found nothing to indicate the answer to your excellent question . And it is possible that at least some of the variation in sensitivity they found is due to localization of those fat sensors .
Here is another link which indicates that the lead researcher was Professor Nada Abumrad .
Speaking of cheesecake , have you seen the VIP singles advert on NT ? Whew ! Is it hot in here or is it just that girl with the come hither eyes ...
No. I'm looking at hot Russian girls. I guess they must think that they are my type.
I was thinking about doing an article entitled
Katy Perry : naughty or just misunderstood ?
I think she is actually understood00 in fact, very much so!
Krish ,
I had photographic evidence to present ...
It seems that everything made with realingredients have a high fatcontent, but taste so good; like ice cream the best are high in fat. I just try to eat the good stuff in moderation.
Its also true with cheeses! The tastiest fine cheeses are usually high in fat,
But I try to avoid animal fat, I usually buy the leanest cuts, and then either brush on Olive Oil-- or make stew with added Olive Oil.
The thing about eating fats is that it is very easy to go overboard on your calorie intake . The key to avoiding that is to eat fatty foods very slowly . That way it gives your digestive response time to signal that you're full .
I just showed-up for chesscake..
...looks like it's all gone...
I'm outta here.
Yep , it's all gone . This is another reason to eat slowly . It leaves more for the late guests .
LOL interesting article Rich.
I have often wondered why mytongue'sfat receptor goes off more later in the evening. Can I tell folks it's a chemical balance thing?
I would like to say I know the answer to that . But I try to avoid prevarication .
Not me. It's sweet/sour. Thank goodness for lemon ices.