More Evidence of Global Warming? "World's-first hybrid shark found off Australia"
Category: Health, Science & Technology
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner • 13 years ago • 12 comments
World-first hybrid shark-- Australia
Scientists said on Tuesday that they had discovered the world's first hybrid sharks in Australian waters , a potential sign the predators were adapting to cope with climate change .
The mating of the local Australian black-tip shark with its global counterpart, the common black-tip, was an unprecedented discovery with implications for the entire shark world, said lead researcher Jess Morgan . (LINK )
Since this is a hybrid shark does that mean it gets better gas mileage ?
That is really fascinating.
I think most traits of various different species occur because they have greater survival values (for the entire species, not necessarily for any individuals).
Which might mean that with previous environmental conditions, inter-breeding did not have survival value-- in fact, it may have been counter-productive.
And-- now that certain environmental conditions have changed-- inter-breeding now has a positive value for survival of the species.
A black-tip mating with a black-tip? Seems insignficant and more likely thatthey're mating because sharksand have been slaughtered by the thousandsin our oceans. Their numbersare dwindling thereby reducing mating options.
You're looking forreal evidence of global warming?Here it is ...
And there you have it ...
If the series continues that way, I would like to see the one for 2012!
Whew ! I'm sweating !
Aha! Global Warming!
Kori ,
Where did you find that graphic ? I reeeealy want a link !
Rich, it's been around quite awhile but I took this one from my Facebook newsfeed. Let me check to see if there's a link or, I'll email it to you.
Rich, you can right-click on the picture and save it Do you want the picture or specifically a link?
I want a link . Then the vine will feel my roth [more or less] .