Feature Discussion
Hi Folks,
As you have had a bit of time to play around here, you must have noticed some things that were different. Obviously the comment boxes are more like NV, but with some more options like embedding, but there is no color
I have no control of that.
But here are a few of the settings that I do have control of:
The forum is threaded. Just comment under the comment you want. I could set it back to the format like grouply, but several people complained about that. You can track on both the forum front page and in the Newsfeed.
What's on the Newsfeed can be adjusted. Right now I have it set to show all forum comments, blog comments, and comments made on personal pages. You can also use it the same way that you used the group message board, which I think we should keep.
I have left the groups so that anyone can set up a group and decide if it is private or not.
I tried to make the front page as clean and bold as I could and streamline it. That meant I did away with tabs, and instead, gave youcategorieswithin each article, which has a neat function. If you hit the forum tab here, you get the articles by topic, so you can look over what interests you. But otherwise, it all ends up on the front page. Nothing is "Not News". The community decides what they want to read. Otherwise it just falls off the board, like at grouply.
I'm sure most of you have noticed that you can change your homepage. It's really nice way of expressing yourself!
So what do you think?
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I like it a lot Perrie; and, at least for me it loads quicker and easier, especialy while at work.
I know that loading was a big issue and sadly, so did Mark at grouply. When I sent out the mass email about leaving, I forgot that the owners "friend" everyone, and I was going to write him personally, but he got the mass email instead, and wrote a bitter sweet email. I have to say that the one thing I did like about grouply, was the customer service. I have no idea how quickly they resolve issues here.
BTW do you like the threading? I also think that it's easier to track here.
I just did it and it works. It does support jpegs. I just used one for "Heated Discussions" You must have run into a glitch. Try again using a different browser.
but there is no color
Yes there is
But it requires using HTML... Mal may have to do some HTML tutorials...
Mal, that would be great! For some reason the h2 thing isn't working here. I just tried it on my homepage and it didn't take. Wahhhh!
BTW, what do you think of thefunctionalityof the site? Better than grouply?
Yes, much better than Grouply... I left a few comments about the site functionality on my photo article...
So far so good, but my spell check doesn't seem to work here. (google chrome)
Now that's odd. I am using google chrome and it works fine here. Hummm... I will have to do some research on this.
Spell-checkon Chrome works for me (in fact it insisted that I hyphenate "spellcheck")... Firefox too... Haven't tried IE yet...
So, is there a way to track an article without getting a million emails? Like, i go to my homepage, and can then see anything i authored or am tracking?
Hey PF ,
There is an easier way that Perrie just pointed out to me on another thread .
From the front page pick the article you want to follow and click on the
"Last reply by" link . It will take you directly to the last reply made in that thread .
So I see you got on! I was getting freaked out!
Exactly, Peter! You can just look at the forum and click to the last reply and poof your there at that exact reply. You can also do the same thing with Activity feed. And notice, now I can respond to you directly, since I have this set to threads. The indents are the answers to a specific thread! Also if you look to the right of the pictures on a comment you will see little arrows pointing to the direct conversation. If you don't see them, it's a different thread.
Yeah the threading is definitely easier and the home pagearrangesthe discussions better.
My favorite thing is the easy and fast loading of videos and pictures.
My fault Perrie, I havea Google tool bar, but Internet Exlorer 8 browser.
I tried it on Google Chrome and it works fine.
I'm glad you figured out the problem. I forgot to tell you about the save thing. I did that a few times when I was setting up the site and I would loose all the work. It was very frustrating!
Thanks Mike! That was a feature I was unaware of! I'm loving the threads. So much easier to follow the discussions and sub discussions. So you can be off track or on track anywhere in an article!
Where is that feature ?
Thnx . Got it .
LOL, you two keep me on my toes!