
Why the mainstream media doesn't get faith-based entertainment


Category:  Entertainment

Via:  xxjefferson51  •  10 years ago  •  9 comments

Why the mainstream media doesn't get faith-based entertainment
When more than 1,000 New Yorkers rose to their feet to sing Amazing Grace in Broadways historic Nederlander Theater, it was difficult to stave off the tears. The play by the same name as the beloved hymn tells the story of songwriter John Newtons conversion and fight to end the slave trade. It has everything that critics wanta rapturous love story, soaring score, jaw-dropping special effects, and a Tony-quality cast.But unsurprisingly, the mainstream media was not impressed.ADVERTISEMENTCharles Isherwood of The New York Times called the play an overstuffed history lesson trimmed in melodrama. And Variety deemed it tough sledding. But as I think back to the tears flowing down so many cheeks in the room (I cried through the whole performance), I wonder why faith-based entertainment continues to baffle, ruffle, and enrage the mainstream media. All of this feels oddly familiar. Last year, I starred in an independent-film titled "Gods Not Dead. It scored a measly 16 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, a website which aggregates and averages the reviews of major film critics. The critics slaughtered it with impunity. But moviegoers, and especially religious consumers, found it to be a breath of fresh air. It earned a staggering $70 million in domestic box office sales and millions more in DVD sales, digital downloads, and merchandising making Gods Not Dead the highest grossing independent film of 2014.Our experience is not uncommon.In 2008, the faith-based film Fireproof from the relatively unknown filmmaking brothers Alex and Stephen Kendrick earned a rotten rating of 40 percent, but earned more than $33 million. In 2011, the same duo released the film Courageous, which was given a measly 30 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, but generated more than $34 million. And in 2014, Sony's Heaven is For Real also got a rotten rating of 46 percent while earning a staggering $91.4 million in domestic box office sales.You can expect this trend to continue as most major movie studios are actively developing similarly faithful projects. This summer, for example, Sony will release War Room, a film by the Kendricks that explores the power of prayer. With over 4 million trailer views so far, expect this film to shock Hollywood critics once again.Critics might tell you that the people supporting and seeing these films just dont know what good art is. They see themselves as the gatekeepers of how to tell a good story in film, television, and theater. But I think these films are lost on elitist critics because they dont understand the deep spiritual impulses these shows are exploring. And they have lost touch with the millions of consumers who continue to purchase tickets despite critics warnings.The mainstream media just doesnt get faith-based entertainment because they dont have faith. And they dont understand people of faith.Unfortunately for them, the box office belongs to audiences, not elitist critics writing from their ivory Manhattan towers. It belongs to working mothers who want to raise their children with a strong sense of values and devoted fathers who are coaching softball games after a long day on the job. It belongs to regular people in small towns and flyover states and middle-class suburban neighborhoods who are struggling with how to live meaningful lives in an ever-changing society. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2015/07/17/why-mainstream-media-doesn-t-get-faith-based-entertainment.html


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link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
If critics want to meet these Americans, they can walk into a church on any given Sunday and listen to their stories. Their tales of faith and redemption sound something like this: Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now Im found, was blind but now I see.Until critics understand these types of stories, theyll continue to misunderstand faith-based entertainment.
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
Religiously based or themed movies often get lousy reviews from secular reviewers. We don't care. We have other sources to find out about them and we go to see them because that kind of film is what we want to see.
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
We will see the next test of how secular reviewers treat a new true story religious based movie. The telling of the story of the man who broke out of a court house and did a home invasion. The woman read A Purpose Driven Life to him and he converted and gave up. What will the atheists have to say then ?
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
None of those were crap movies. Fireproof and Courageous were great movies and God Isn't Dead was good as well. Did you see the Nicholas Cage Left Behind movie? Son of God was another good one. Do you as a fellow Christian hate seeing Godly movies in our culture?
Freshman Silent
link   ArkansasHermit    10 years ago

Why the mainstream media doesn't get faith-based entertainment

They just don't get the crappy ones.

Well made faith-based shows have no problems gettingappropriate kudos.

This ole atheists enjoyedmovies like " Dogma " & " Saved " a lot, and thought " Saving Grace " was grandentertainment.

I will admit my built inprejudice against watching" Christian" movies though.

A mythology movie from other cultures never give me pause.If a shows story is built around Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Native American or any of the other great culture mythologies I can jump right in and enjoy or panit based on how the show was done but I'm always leery that the " Christian " stuffis only designed to be a sermon, not entertainment, so I always have to overcome my distaste for being preached at before even considering a movie built on Christian stories.

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
So of all the cultures and religions around the world the only one you have a problem with is Christianity?
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
Well I disagree with the theology of left behind and the rapture. I am a believer in the literal 2nd coming that every eye shall see. Where the dead rise up first and then those who are saved and alive at the time rise up to meet Him as well.
Freshman Silent
link   ArkansasHermit    10 years ago
So of all the cultures and religions around the world the only one you have a problem with is Christianity?
Guess I put it poorly XX.
It's not that I have a problem with Christian mythologies over the others per se,it's the way those Christian based shows all too often are just designedto preach or are offered up as documentaries, which makes me reluctant to even give them a go.
Amovie centered around "Sun Wukong" will work or not, because of itsgeneral story and action.Such a show does not need me to be a believeror accept the story as fact in ordertoentertain, unlike way to many Christian shows.
But hey, that's just me. :-)
Sun Wukong, aka "The Monkey King" in Chinese mythology
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
There's a difference between a Christian based movie like fireproof or courageous or soul surfer or God isn't dead and a retelling of a story from the Bible in what we as Christians expect of them. A night with the king was very good as was Son of God. Gods and generals and Noah were on the other hand nothing like the Biblical account of those events. We don't need preachy we simply seek a reasonably close to the record retelling of the covered story.

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