Via: hal-a-lujah • 10 years ago • 8 comments
Does anyone else see the irony in this screenshot? Incidentally, I applied for membership to this group a long time ago, but apparently I didn't meet their high standards.
Lynne - I know you commented here because I saw the email notification (and yes, you got the joke), but your comments don't show up on my articles for some reason. I'll let Perrie know since it has happened with your comments multiple times.
If you're viewing this on a smartphone, you may not get the joke because of formatting issues with this site. If so, try it on a tablet or PC.
Just guessin'....the tallman finger?
You play Diablo!?
Although still "with it" enough to know its played on Playstation, our granddaughter is the gamer of the family.
Is this article about the image or about not getting into the Christian group?